September 15th..
Hi! Went to school today.. same old same old :) Mr Arbour ( My language arts teacher ) Doesn't really seem so bad. At first I really thought about how crazy and desperate the school board must have been to ever give this guy a teaching job. I mean it really looked like he should go check out a shrink. But, if you just sorta sit back, and watch him, he really can be pretty entertaining. |
Well i dont know if you know this but, wentch (my mom)put this program on my computer. It's called 'Times up!'. It gives me, like, a hour and a half during the week. 3 hours on the weekends. i HATE this program. ( im a tad addicted.. can't ya tell? ) So i was bored and was looking at my program files. I came to this button called "Uninstal Time's up". So i looked at it and started smiling ear to ear.. clicked on it.. hehe and well im sure you can figure out the rest. So wentch found out the other day. She wasnt mad! Was sorta amused that i figured out how to uninstal it. So my brother ( his name is loren.. 17 now. a REAL computer nerd ) is getting 60 dollars an hour to fix my puter. He has to install windows95, Mirc, Netscape,Times up, and ICQ. Took him about 3 hours. The lucky dog is getting $120! |
The bus ride on the way home was very interesting. Had a run in with John. Okay, so your wondering who john is. I could write a 5 page essay on him and what a jerk he is. He's one of those jock types.. Could break me in half easly. But i figure one good kick in between the legs would nock him down. What bugs me about him is how he acts to people. He treats everyone but his friends like crap. Go figure he does this and is popular. Anyway where was I? Oh ya.. John was doing this 'I'm better than you' speach to a 7th grader. Well, the 7th grader was my friend Ginona. I HATE listening to him talk that way to people.. especially to my friends. So, I told him to **** off. Haha, he said "I swear if you werent a girl I'd hit you!". Haha, he says that to me a lot. Am i the only female in the world to dis like hearing that as an excuse? I think its supid. Like, What? Are we unable to fight back or something?*groan*
Okay so on the brighter side of things.. I might get to be a pager in the House of Representives. My dads a state rep for our area. I hope i get to. I've only been on the floor once. That was a little bit after he won the election. They were starting the season ( you know ring the bell and vote for some things ) I can't wait. If i get the job that also means i get to get out of school for a couple days! Wohhooo. Gotta go.. cya all!
September 17th.. |
Hi.. Oh the moon last night was so beautiful!!! Heard it was closest to the earth than it has been all year!! Wentch, was at naples last night. ( with her bf in the condo ) So no one to nag me to go to sleep! So i thought. Loren, my brother, took it has his duty, to pester me to get off the puter. Hehe. He thinks he's god sometimes. Anyway, the moon was soooo beautiful! I missed an online ritual last night :( Stardancer was doing it in #afterfive. So i went outside and looked up. I could have sat there all night. I think i would like to be an astronaut. I have tons of books on it and space. Reading almost anything i can get my hands on.. I hope its not a faze. Like 3 months ago i wanted to be a vet. I feel sorta silly saying that's what i would like to be. Because lots of kids my age and younger dream about stuff like that and for them its only a fase. I really think i have a chance though! If not that, work for NASA somehow. It would be so fun, i think, to go into space, and its such an interesting subject! Too bad Mr Lester isnt planing on teaching anything on space this year. Mr Lester is my science teacher, by the way.
I feel so bad for a friend of mine. Her father did something........ well not to smart. He might be going to jail. I wish i could talk with her.. see how she's doing. I think i will..
It's raining REALLY hard outside. hehe, i feel like running out in it but i dont think that would be very safe. Newayz! I should go.. Bye :)
September 18th..
Hiyaa.. Had a ice cream socail today at school. Really sucked, Aron was bothering us the whole time. I swear the kid can't take a clue.. when we say "Aron get LOST" in many different ways and more than once. Ya'd think someone would get it!! hehe. Anyway.. its amazing how much my mom trusts me. She had to take the modem out last night because she thought i would get back on. Pfft. Im not THAT addicted!! hehe. Oh! I'd talk more but gotta go.. have to get some stuff done before i go to bed... CYA! |
September 19th..
*GROAN* They might be moving me to advanced Language Arts. Why me!? I'm perfectly happy in the class im in now. All my friends are there! Knowing my mom, she will want me in it. I cant get over this.. ME? in advanced LA?!
Beth wants to go to a bar tonight. Okay, anyone wanna tell me the point of going to the bar if you cant drink? Not like i want to drink. I've had wine. One sip but enough to make me know the stuff doesnt taste very good. Her mother and dana is taking us. Oh, Wentch told me last night we're FINALY going back to denver! As a vacation that is, and we're going with the taylors! My mom and her bf are friends with the taylors, and Gracie ( they're daughter) are like best friends sence 1st. Known each other for about 8 years now. That will be a total blast.
September 20th..
Went to the bar with Beth last night. Had to be 21 or older to get in without an adult. So her mom took us. We chilled in the back all night playing packman and talking. The band didnt get there till 11. I was so tired! WE saw Patty and Jennifer.. they were goin nuts dancing. Lol i never figured Patty as the dancer. This little girl.. about 7.. kept fallowing us around. So finaly we talked with her, haha she kept running off and bringing guys to where we were, to meet us. Patrick kept paging beth's pager.. like alll night. We called him and he couldnt get a ride to Punta gorda ( he lives across the lake in another town )
So anyway.. what happend today? Not much really. I wanted to go to the movies with Kirstin, Kelli, and Megan but, I had a softball game to play in. I finaly went to it! I had to miss the last two. 1 i wasent feelings well and the other i missed my ride. I was soooooo nervous! I mean wouldnt you be? Playing with women who are 30 years older than you? We have a really good team. Plus, April is on the team ( April is the coolest person i have ever met. She worked for my mom.. taking care of me and my brother for about 8 years. She had to quit because she was having a baby. And so now she says " Sence i spent 8 years of my life into you now's the time you get to pay me back with babysitting ")Her 16 month year olds name is Serene. Isnt that a beautiful name? That's one of the nicks i use.. _Serene_.
I Swear my mom still believes im 8. She and my brother arent here tonight so she calls me every hour to see if im okay. This is PGI what the heck could happen here!? (PGI= nice part of town.. not much happens here except old people getting in car recks. ) Wouldnt doubt her having the neighbors checking to see if any cars pull up in the drive way, checking to see if i have anyone over. Well.. hehe.. Beth came over. I called my mom and she said it was fine. She took a taxi home a while ago. Its like 1:36 AM and im tired. Night :)