"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time |
Is God really sovereign? --In other words: Is there anything outside of God's control? ...Is there ever even ONE thing or event --past, present or future-- which is not under God's absolute and total control?
This is the main (and fundamental) question of this entire section of the WorldView_3 website. In addition, your personal answer to this question is a huge determiner of what and who you believe God to be... and it also determines how you respond to God and live out every minute of your life.
So, ask yourself this question: Is there ever anything --or anyone-- outside of God's total control? . . . What do you think?
At times, virtually all people will answer "Yes" to this question. They answer yes, because almost all people feel that a vast number of things happen by chance or at random, whether it is the roll of dice or the path of a tornado. They also answer yes because in this world there is alot of pain and suffering --which many label as "evil"-- and people hate to attribute such things to a good and loving God. Furthermore --and most poignantly-- people say "yes," some things are outside of God's control because of man's free will to make choices many times every day, and such freedom does not seem possible if it is true that God is totally sovereign over the outcome of all events and choices.
In contrast to what most people think, the Bible answers this huge question with a clear "No," ...there is never even one thing --or one free-will decision-- which is outside of God's total control. In other words: The Bible teaches the absolute sovereignty of God.
We find this fact to be clearly demonstrated and verified by the words of scripture themselves:
Free Will Under God's Sovereignty
In thinking about God's sovereignty, many people are troubled over how there can be "free will" along with that sovereignty.
The answer is mostly found in the fact that the "freedom" of any creature is limited by its nature --its ability and/or desire to do any particular thing. -- For example:
A bird is "free" to build its nest on any branch in any tree of the forest, so it has a bird's "free will" in that regard, because the bird is not forced against its will to build or not build in either one place or another. --However, the bird is not free to build its nest under water, because it goes against the bird's nature to do so (it is unable and unwilling to do such a thing).
Similarly with humans: Man is "free" to run a mile in a minute on level ground, but it goes against man's nature to do so, because he us not able to. Man is also free to fly --without mechanical means-- high up in the sky, but he is unable --and many are unwilling-- to do so. There are many things like this which demonstrate that man's "free will" is limited by his nature.
FURTHERMORE, under the management of God's sovereignty, God manipulates the attractiveness of every minute item, and controls each tiny inducement for the creature to respond and behave in any particular way --with the result that the creature always does exactly the thing which God has planned, at the precise time it was planned to occur. The bird will build its nest in the exact tree, on the exact branch, and with the exact twigs and materials which God has caused to be attractive to the bird, according to the bird's nature.
So, there are no "surprises" for God; there is no "plan B." --"Random" or "chance" events are actually not a part of reality, but are only a convenient way for men to describe things. In reality, every result is brought about by adequate and logical causes which are all guided and sustained by God (this is called "providence"), and it all goes back to the "First Cause" of everything, which is also God.
Nothing at all is left to chance --and yet all the while, the creature (and man) is "freely" choosing (is not unwillingly acting) and doing things according to its nature the whole time. The free will choosing of the creature is not violated, because it does not act against its own nature and will, but does what it desires most at any given time.
...yet, under the almighty and sovereign hand of God, the "free-will" choices of man are always exactly the choices and behaviors which God had ordained and decreed from eternity past... with man freely choosing all the while.
To further deal with these and related issues, please proceed with the following link: