Dumisani Theological Institute and Bible School

Who & Where Are We?

We are Dumisani Theological Institute and Bible School, which is a small establishment for theological training and Bible instruction, in King William's Town, the capital of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. This is about 1000 kms east of Cape Town.

In addition to a local lady who serves as secretary/ receptionist/translator and a young man who does printing and other administrative tasks, we have three teaching staff. Ds JL Myburg (Senior lecturer), the pastor of the local Gereformeerde Kerk congregation, teaches part-time in the degree programme, while Rev RC Christie (Principal), and Rev DD Miller (Secretary) are both full-time, and supported by the Free Church of Scotland.

Where Do We Come From?

Dumisani has been established since 1979, when four churches came together to try to provide a suitable level of Bible teaching for the people of South Africa. The special emphasis has been to help the amaXhosa, who hail from the Eastern Cape region.

Our original title was Dimbaza Reformed Bible School, named after our first location.

The four churches involved in the running of Dumisani, then and now, are the Free Church of Scotland, her sister, the Free Church in Southern Africa, the Gereformeerde Kerk East London, and her sister church the Reformed Church eMonti, also from the East London region.

What Are Our Aims?

As suggested above, we aim to provide resources for the growth of the South African churches. In some cases this is done by means of literature, and in others, by means of 'training days' or more extended programmes. In addition, there is a particularly acute need for the training of the ministry in the African church scene.

What Do We Do?

For the average church-goer we provide elementary literature on Christian themes (for example, one of our most popular titles is Christian Marriage and Home), and we especially encourage folk to use our basic (and very economical) Correspondence Courses. Most of these materials are produced in both English and Xhosa - with in-house printing and publishing.

For those who wish to go further we are also offering a Diploma by Correspondence, equivalent to three years of part-time study. This is only offered in English at present, and is also in the process of redevelopment.

In addition, we endeavour to provide extension courses (especially for the Free and Reformed Churches) in specialised subjects or, for example, for church leaders.

With a view to the training of the gospel ministry of the region, some will make use of the Diploma mentioned above, but we have also offered full-time courses on-site, since 1991. At present a student for the ministry of the Free Church in Southern Africa would be expected to begin with a Certificate in Biblical Studies course of one year, followed by a two-year Diploma in Theological Studies. From January 1997, we have also been able to offer a three-year BA (Theology) programme, in association with Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education.

Student numbers are: 3 for the Certificate; 6 in the second year of their BA and 2 in their first year.

What Are Our Current Needs?

More staff, guidance in the revision of Syllabuses and Correspondence Courses, and adequate financial provision

For more information send us an email to: dumisani@iafrica.com