April 2005 News

Tristan and Dylan participated in Outdoor Adventure Day. This year the event was held at Camp Robinson. Tristan won first place in bicycle and qualified to compete at the District O'Rama in June.

May 2005 News

4-H agent Donna House came to our May meeting to discuss 4-H to our new families. Her talk was very informative. It was decided that we would begin meeting at Homeschool Zone from now on.

June 2005 News

The District O'Rama will be held Friday, June 24. One of our club members, Tristan, will be competing in the bicycle competition. Now is the time to sign up for state camp. At our June meeting, Ms. Cindy will be instructing us on doll making. All dolls will be made for the children at Children's Hospital. Follow up: Tristan came in first place in the bicycle division at the District O'Rama. Congrats!

July 2005 News

A 4-H meeting was held at Homeschool Zone in July. The business meeting was discussed, and Dylan gave a talk on Geocaching. In addition, the newly formed Pulaski Country Tech Team was announced.

August 2005 News

Meeting to be held at Homeschool Zone Thursday, August 18 at 10:00 a.m. Items will be made for the upcoming 4-H Project Fair