The Art of Ritual
Since ancient time people has used art and rituals to make sense
of their lives, experiences and changes. Initiation has been part
of a rite announcing a major transformation of the initiate´s life
and existential status.
In Expressive Arts Therapy we reclaim the ancient knowledge that the art of ritual,
and embracing all the arts, creates healing of body, soul and heart. In
the enactment of our lifestories there can be a powerful re/creation.
Entering therapy, we may expect our journey to Self to be like traveling to a set
destination - finally, arrived!
However, we will soon learn that Self dis/covering is not a linear but spiraling
process. We re/encounter situations which throw us back to feelings we thought
we left behind. We re/turn to our hurts and wounds, each time with more intensity
it seems like, but also with greater ability to endure the pain.
Initiation is an essential part of this process. It is a be-ing
state in the process to
learn who we are and integrate different aspects of ourSelves.
Initiation offers the oppurtunity to recognize the change we are going through, a
change which involves a new relationship to body/soul/mind - to the world and others.
Initiation offers very little choice. When its time has come, it announces itself.
The Journey to Self is spiraling into the depths of Darkness,
out to the World,
into the depths, out to the World,
moving in and out,
re/turning, turning out,
spiraling in all directions,
connecting the past with present/future.
Self dis/covering is a non-linear movement,
a re/turning, re/vealing, re/learning journey,
spinning into the depths, out to the world
- forever journeying.

These words are some reflections from the years I trained for an Expressive Arts
Therapist, in Sweden, Switzerland and USA. They are collected from a paper I wrote,
"Going M.A.D.- or Voyage to MySelf" and my Swedish Thesis,"The Passion Play of an
How do we become Expressive Arts Therapists? A fundamental part of the training is to
experience the process ourselves - to live the joy and vulnerability when we expose
ourSelves to the arts, in the arts, to ourselves and to eachother.
How can we know the secrets if we were not exposed to them - Souldeep? This is what
initiation was - and is - about. The initiate returns as a new be-ing, transformed,
with a secret knowledge. Some of this revelation, this new knowing, has to be kept
in silence, in a sacred place inside of us. Some can be shared.
I am the Spinning Spider
cleaning up the Dirt
from the Dark corners of Life
spinning, spinning
into the Web of Pain, Rage and Hate
the Thread of Love, Hope and Faith
Links to other sites on the Web
Art is the Language of Soul
Poiesis - the making of Images in Words
Myth - Mirror of Soul
Mythos - Tales of Soul
Let the Music be your Guide
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Expressive Arts Therapy
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