Best if viewed at 800X600 and in True Color

Dragon Magick - This will be a site devoted to what I believe in personally.  I just wanted the
                            information available for all who is interested.  Please note, there will be no spells or
                            items needed for conducting spells.
Celtic Tales - A small site in dedication to the old Celtic tales.  I enjoy them very much and want to
                     share some of them with everyone.
What's New - Thought I'd add a small area for people who might want to visit more often.  That way,
                      they will be able to see exactly  what I've added lately.

Web Graphic Sets - Please feel free to use these free graphic sets that I've designed.  Just please give
                               me the credit for creating them.

Dragon Links - Here are a few web sites that sparked my interest, so I thought that I'd share them.

Email Me... You can flame me or email me for more information.  I'll be more than happy to discuss
                   things with you.


Last Updated: June 3, 1998
Hosted by Geocities.