Yes, I am a member of

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints*

Commonly known as "Mormons"

Since I do not wish to claim in any way that this is an official church page, click on this link to go to the official web page of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Anyway, about me and the Church:

Oddly enough, one of my hobbies is collecting misconceptions, myths, and outright lies about the "Mormon" church. Some of my favorite are:

I have but one thing to say about the above: each item is total and complete malarkey (in modern vernacular, it's all bogus). If, however, you have a question about any the above, or another rumor you heard about "them Mormons", you can e-mail me at:

Also, if you have heard some good rumors, misconceptions, myths, or outright lies about the LDS Church, please send them to the e-mail address above. I hope to make a top-ten list of the most ridiculous.

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*This page is not sponsored or endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.