
My name is Bruce.

This is my homepage.

My homepage this is,

and Bruce is my name.

As you can see, there isn't much more than words here. That's okay, because this page isn't finished yet! Soon, though, it will become the platform from which this small white lab mouse will begin his quest for world domination! (Sorry, too much Pinky and the Brain ®, NARF!)

Click here to see my resume (especially if you are hiring!)

Anyway, I thought I'd put together a little page about me for those of you who interested and for those of you who are not interested as well. I am:


That's the basics, at least. If you'd like to learn more about me personally, you could always click HERE!

Well, here's the links to all the other stuff related to me:

My Written Stuff

I've written some stuff that other people have liked, so here it is, submitted for your approval.

Favorite Links

The inevitable favorite links page.

Yes, I'm a "Mormon"

I'm a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I'm not afraid to say it or defend it.

Quotes From The Tick

He's big, he's blue, he's nigh-invulnerable, and he just says the darndest things; I had to put this in!

And now the ads for free services!

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BridgePATH -- Get Job and internship announcements sent to you for free
Being a student, I know how worrisome it can be to find a job. That's why I've got these people working for me... for FREE! Check 'em out.

Also, for all students, check this site out:

FastWeb.com Free financial aid searches.

They helped me out, so I put their link here. Try them. 
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