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  Salvador and the "Bay Of All Saints"


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A typical mid-winter day (Early August) at the beach, Barra, Salvador.  Notice the group of "Africanos" assembled in a circle (left).  The group is practicing the more modern form of Afro-Brazilian dance/self-defense, "Capoiera Regional".  


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"Pelourinho", Salvador's old city, was the former punishment grounds for captured slaves. It now serves as a neighborhood dedicated to preserving the rich culture of Afro-Brazil.  The streets echo the sounds of singing, drumming, and music.


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Government buildings displaying the European influence in the architecture.


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  The "Favelas" are the poor neighborhoods of Brazil that, unfortunately, house a majority of the population of Africanos living in Salvador.  The favela pictured above is wealthier than many and does not represent the horrors of the poverty that plagues cities such as Salvador and the entire country of Brazil.




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