
Welcome to the Candomblé information web site


This page was created for the purposes of serving as a basic introduction to the mystical Afro-Brazilian traditions of Candomblé.

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Ceremonial drummers playing traditional rhythms on the "Atabaques" and "Agogo"

The drums resonate majestically, speaking the sacred language of the orixás. The intoxicating rhythms serve as the call for the presence of the holy spirits from the motherland, Africa. Practitioners dance and sing in praise and honor of their orixá until the manifestation of the spirit occurs. The name of this practice is Candomblé. It is the African diaspora’s greatest contribution to the Brazilian culture. It demonstrates the richness of the diverse cultural infusion that occurred between African, European, and indigenous peoples in the land that we know as Brazil. Because of its African roots, Candomblé has faced an undeniable degree of persecution and criticism for the past 300 years. Now, in contemporary Brazil, the path of Candomblé seems to be branching off into many different directions. Thus, each Brazilian has a different understanding of what Candomblé is and in which direction it should proceed. However, one thing remains clear, Candomblé serves as a preservation of African tradition and a source of pride in Afro-Brazilian heritage for the predominately impoverished Afro-Brazilian population. And the rhythm of the people lives on.


Table Of Contents:


Page created by A. Guerrero

Special thanks to Mãe, Tats, Regina, Professor Don Evans, Mestre King, José Ricardo Sausa dos Santos,

and all of the "Boa Gente" from Caribbean Music & Dance Program.

And positive vibrations to Julie L. Spears..."Beleza!"


Peace, Harmony, and Axé-    A.S.G.



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