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American Flag John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library

First King of America

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29th 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. His father was named Joseph Kennedy who was politician, an who was a pubkeeper, and later became a millionaire. He married the daughter of the major of Boston, Massachusetts, Rose Fitzgerald. DuringWorld War II their oldest son died in the war, when his airplane exploded above the Canal. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was their second son.John Kennedy studied law at Harvard and after he graduated, he drafted into the war. As lieutenant of the PT 109(Motor Torpedo Boat) he once was shipwrecked,but he survived and because of his heroism he saved the lives of his crew.

Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul

In 1952 John F Kennedy, became senator of Massachusetts. Later in 1956 he and Sentor Adlai E. Stevenson ran in the presidential campaign, but they lost the election. In 1958 Sentor Kennedy won reelection in Massachusetts by 875,000 votes, the largest majority in the state's history. Kennedy was elected for president in November 1960, after a not easy election contest. He defeated Presidents Richard Nixon to become the youngest President ever elected to the at the age of 43.

White House, USA

Kennedy our 35th president was also first catholic to become president. He ended his Inaugural Address on January 20, 1961 with the following words " Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." And with those final word he launched in to history, but Kennedy was going to have a major crisis that would stir the melting pot of america. First in April 1961,in Cuba at a place called the Bay of Pigs, which was a CIA assault on Cuba. That was developed during Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidental Administration Kennedy tried to land in Cuba, but Castro's troops quickly overpowered the attempt which was behind mostly behind closed doors. It was a failure for the President Kennedy's Administration, which can be explained by poor advice he had received from the military, and the CIA, and from many liberals.

In 1962 the same place cuba there was a much more complicated crises, taking place this time Russians caused it by placing Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles in Cuba. When Kennedy found out, the world was close to nuclear war in October 1962, Kennedy's military consultants recommended an immediate air strike. But Kennedy's brother, the military and Attorney General Robert Kennedy disagreed, because if the United States of America started to act like Japan with Pearl Harbor and loose its faith. So President Kenndey instituted a naval blockade against Russian-ships and demanded removal of the missiles. After about a week went by and the Russians agreed and Kennedy promised not to invade Cuba.

Camelot Passing Prince

In Dallas November 22, 1963 President Kennedy visiting with his wife Jackie Kennedy. He was taking a tour of the city in an open limousine and and was shot he later died about half an hour after me was shot. According to the official Warren-report Lee Harvey Oswald killed the president,later someone killed him, Lee Oswald shotting the Kennedy who was the President of the United States raised serious doubt, because of many strange things, for example the dying of many witnesses, the killing of Oswald and the problem of how one bullet could have killed the president and also hit Governor Connally of Texas: the problem of the miracle bullet. The sad fact is that John F. Kennedy was just 46 years old and left a wife with two children.

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