Faith United Church of Christ began as a Sunday Church School in 1903, headquartered in the old Pacific Avenue schoolhouse with six persons in attendance. On March 30, 1904, Zion Classis of the Reformed Church granted permission for a new church start, and the cornerstone of the present structure was laid on July 17, 1904.

These were difficult years for the new congregation. A crisis occurred in 1911 when Faith Church was dropped from the roll of the Board of Missions as a lost cause. But through the concern and interest of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. O. P. Schellhamer (1912-1932), who had helped organize the church, the struggling congregation of Faith Church was saved. The church began to grow as more and more families moved into the area and found a "home" at Faith Church. In 1959 the Evangelical and Reformed Church merged with the Congregational-Christian Church to become the United Church of Christ.

Over the years numerous improvements have been made including the addition of a bell tower, the addition of the Sunday School wing in 1924, construction of the parsonage at 511 Pacific Avenue in 1932, and more recently the addition of a new kitchen and fellowship hall, with ground breaking in 1997 and dedication in 1998.

When Rev. Schellhamer retired in 1932, the Rev. J. Edmund Lippy (1932-1940) became pastor, followed by the Rev. Albert C. Robinson (1941-1955), the Rev. Wilmer C. Mantz (1956-1963), the Rev. Robert W. Gamber (1964-1970), the Rev. Dwayne C. Carter (1970-1989), the Rev. Robert Davis-Mayo (1990-1996), and the Rev. Ron Oelrich (1997-present).

After nearly 100 years, the vision and faith of the founders of Faith Church has been abundantly justified as the congregation continues to serve the community and to "press on toward the mark for the prize for the high calling of God in Jesus Christ." (Philippians 3:14)

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