We welcome you!

Psalm 11:7 For the LORD is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright.
We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, therefore His countenance is upon us.

Welcome to a christian presence on the web. We have not worked on this site since 2001. Now its already April 2004. Maybe changes are coming. Watch out for surprises as you surf here!

You have our permission to use whatever is a blessing to you except where there is copyright mentioned. Please do e-mail us, we would like to hear from you. Don't forget to sign the guestbook.

Personal Prophecy: Destiny maker!
Intimacy with God: Our hope!
Christian Misbeliefs: True or False
Position or Experience: Which?
How we walk:Visible and invisible.
Heart Desires: From the heart.
About Phobias: A lighter look.

Why this site?

ŠAlexis Wilson
For the joy set before Him, Jesus Christ died for you and me. We want to share the good news that there is hope for mankind. Man's heart cry for justice was paid for by the blood of Jesus. We no longer have to shed our blood or our neighbour's blood. The punishment for our sins was also paid for by Jesus. We no longer have to make sacrifices to appease an angry God. This wonderful water colour by Alexis Wilson of Hawaii clearly illustrates this.

Are we done yet?

No. There is a whole lot we would like to be able to with this page. Other priorities in our life take precedence over the development of this page. We are squeezing in energy and time to work on this site. Bit by bit we shall build it to present the gospel on the net in todays language.

Nimbalker news / vinpanni@tm.net.my / Launched April 20 1998 / Frequent updates


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