Welcome to yet another official Ashland High School debate page!
500 words per minute is fast. Right? Right?
Check out my Debate Top 5 Lists...
Also look at a special Policy Kritik Violation I've written for all you CX Db8ers out there...
Let's just face it, the Ashland Debate Squad pretty much just rocks. At least it does in Oregon, which honestly isn't too hard. For those of you who haven't heard of or participated in academic debate (the term "academic is used loosely), I'm truly sorry. You really ought to go somewhere else on the page.
Cheers go out to all the cool Cali and Washington debatas, as well as the whole Ashland squad, especially the CXers. You all rule. Especially Dane, who has his own web page, which you all ought to check out. Also scope out the linx on his page. They're all good. Plus check out the Top Ten lists.
West Coast Pimpz forever. (Not to be confused with the West Coast Love)
Cool DB8 Links:
Ummm... I lost my other links...