Why the term "Allah" is used instead of "God"

Many people ask why the term "Allah" is used instead of "God" and assume it's use implies that Muslims worship a separate God. There is only ONE GOD - a belief held by followers of each of the three main world religions : Islam, Christianity and Judaism. 

The Arabic term for "God"

The Arabic word for God is "illah". "Allah" is infact a conjunction of two words (i.e. Al-Ilah): 
  • "Al" which means "The" 
  • "Illah" which means "God" 
The reasons for using the term "Allah" in favour of "God" are threefold: 
  • "Allah" has no gender.  While, God can be male/female i.e. God/Goddess 
  • "Allah" is ONE and literally means THE GOD, While, God may be singular and plural 

  • i.e. God/Gods and Goddess/Goddesses 
  • "Allah" is the personal name of God as used in the Holy Qur'an and Elohim is used in Hebrew referring Allah, The ending letters 'im' is a plural of  respect, majesty and grandeur, without the ending 'im', it becomes 

  • Eloh (Ilah in Arabic).

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