Uncle Eli's Unofficial Guide to Nfld & Labrador Heritage

Amateur Genealogist and local Historian THOMAS COLES, has recently released a series of well documented references, particularly in regard to the Elliston area on the Bonavista Peninsula. Many of these emails contain names and information that is relevant to those researching family histories on the Eastport Peninsula, and other areas of the province.

With Mr COLES kind permission, I have volunteered to begin converting these emails to Web Pages for the benefit of all those who may find them of use in their research. For the most part, these emails will be simply converted to html by adding the appropriate html code and indexed on this page. The work is THOMAS COLES and all Copyrights are his and no part of this Collection may be reproduced, except for personal use, without express written permission from him. My contribution will consist entirely of setting the html code and posting the page(s). Uncle Eli



1598 - Dorset List of Catholics at Wimbourne
1600 - Nfld Trade Agreement between Ship Owners engaged in the Nfld trade
1610 England The Trinity House: Petition by Guy for Patent. Approval and terms.
1610 - Cupids Brief history, including settler lists, of Cupids Colony
1621 - Ferryland List of 32 Settlers at George Calvert's Ferryland Colony
1645 - Devon Petition against Sir David Kirke, Ferryland.
1652 Ferryland Dispositions Re/ Calverts Affairs; taken August 1652
1654 Bonavista John Walcome, first male born at Bonavista
1663 - Renews List of individuals at Renews in 1663
1669 - St Johns List of Boats fishing at St. Johns; Planters and Interlopers
1670 - St Johns List of Boats fishing at St. Johns
1670 - NFLD New - Bonavista/Elliston names extracted from various 'cencus' 1670-1681
1698 Bonavista Letter to Col Norris discussing fishing some 14 Leagues NWN of Bonavista?
1702 Poole Report of the French attack on Sillicove (now Winterton)
1705 - Bonavista French and Indian attack on Bonavista
1708 - Bonavista List of Names from William Pickering, Salem Mass.; Accounts 1695-1718
1725 - Bonavisata Miscellaneous notes re/ Isaac Bonovier indebited to: ...
1727 - Placentia New - List of residents/properties at Placentia, 1727
1748 - Dorset Last Will and Testament of James Cole, Dorset;
1762 - Boston 19 Newfoundland families stranded in Boston before the American Revolution.
1764 - Twillingate Letter to Capt. Cook Re/ French presence at Twillingate et al
1766 - Boston Arrivals at Boston.
1774 - Bonavista The Trial of George Rider, for the murder of Micheal Kenedy
1791 - Bonavista Petition: Requesting annuity to pay schoolmaster (George Bemister); Bemisters response
1792 - Bonavista Petition: Requesting Salary for Abraham Akerman; John Blands opinion
1793 - Bonavista Petition; Request for Minister of the Gospel
1793 - Christchurch Directory of Gentry, Clergy and Businesses 1793-1798
1795 - Bonavista Reverend Smith's request for the Bonavista Missionry
1809 - Greenspond Two letters by David Goulden, Greenspond; to Dorset
1820 - Poole A selection of Burial records from Poole, 1820
1825 - Bird Is. Cove Slade's records; Crewes Notes; Lench's Methodist list
1826 - Bonavista Rev George Costers Letter re/ Appointment of Mr Martin as reader
1830 - Bonavista Petition; Request for relief - Failed Fishery
1831 - Dorset List of Contributors to Nfld School Society
1832 - Bonavista 10th Annual Report - Nfld & British N.A. School Society
1835-37 - Bird Island Cove Voters Lists for what is now Elliston for 1835, 1836 and 1837
1838 - Bird Island Cove Petition: Request for permission to establish a school
1841 Bonavista 19 Annual - Nfld & British N.A. Society for Educating the Poor: Bonavista and Bird Island Cove
1844 - Fogo A letter from Fogo; June 17, 1844
1846 - Bird Island Cove House of Assembly references to 3 Bird Island Cove Petitions.
1862 - Bonavista Nfld Church Society; 21st Annual Meeting - St Johns, 1862
1873 - Royal Gazette Various entries for 1873, including a list of men involved in rescue of Schn. Eric



AKERMAN, Samuel 1640 - Dorset
BAKER, William 1761 - Dorset
BRICKEL, Elizabeth 1720 - Dorset
FORREST, Goody d: 1713 - England?
FOST, Thomas 1826 - Sturminster
MARTIN, Joseph New - Cranborne, Dorset
SAINT, Charles 1806 - Bonavista
TILLY, William 1675 - Bonavista



BURIN - 1809 New - Letter to John and William Fryer, Wimborne Minster, Dorset; from William Pardy, of Burin
CANAILLE Exchange of Letters (Coles/Hiscock/Brown) Re/ Canaille; 1st Ref. William Brown, Bonavista, 1760
STURMINSTER Church Record - 1552; Samuel Bridport d: 1786, Nfld.; Public Records List; Parish List ...
EASTONS VICTIMS PETER EASTON, the Pirate King of Nfld waters, claimed many. Tales of Two of his victims.
Schr. MOUNTAINEER Oct 19, 1850: Found 150 miles off Labrador - Cargo intact, crew mysteriously vanished.
NARROW ESCAPE A Bird Island Cove man and his daughter are trapped on drifting ice. c1870
MISS DOVE Elliston School Teacher leaves - 1950
ELLISTON MEN They Were Men of Repute by Spotlight: Fisherman's Advocate; Feb 10, 1961
OUT O' DORSET Traditional Sea Ballad of English Sailors - First Record of 'Newfie'
LOVE of UNION New - Poem originally published Fisherman's Advocate, 1912.
SHEILA NI GARA A Poem, published Dublin 1905, about the Irish Princess who married Gilbert Pike



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