It is vital in all cultural life to maintain a link between the present and the past. If there is anything that history makes clear it is this, that when a people becomes interested in its past life, seeks to acquire knowledge in order better to understand itself, it always experiences an awakening of new life.
Ole Edvart Rølvaag

"America's past is everyone's legacy"

"!! Let it be written for all the ages !!"

"!! Welcome Stranger !!"

Come sit beside the campfire for there is much to learn. The words will be spoken from the heart, so that you will know that there is truth and honor in them.!!

This I say to you:

Though I should live a thousand years I shall never forget my heritage.

Our Legacy is a cultural mosaic. Learning about our past cultural values and traditions makes us ever so aware of our fragile, yet so very precious, Inheritance.

Tribal customs have differed from tribe to tribe, thus making the American Midwest unique; the heritage and ancestral soil so very endearing to us all.

Many places and objects are alive with ancestrial and other spirits, thus infused with special traditional, sacred and ceremonial meanings.

The past is not the background, but, rather, the petroglyphs, springs and shrines serve as channels through which the past becomes part of the present.

Primarily, a "Window to our past" will be the most informative and enlightening of your experience!

The Spirit

It's in the spirit of a nation,
whose heart beats very strong.
They pay homage to the old ways
as their bondage to heritage,
homeland and love.

-=|=- Ven -=|=-

"Stunning reading for those who wish to glimpse a culture and lifestyle pure in its teaching, through the "Window to the Past,"and get to know the Great Chiefs, Legends,as well as the Sacred Ways, Prayers and Poetry of the native peoples of the U.S.A."

To navigate our site choose a selection on the pages of Interest "M E N U" then click on the
"Gold Button!"

Pages Of Interest

  "Apache Songs"
  "Cherokee Nation"
  "Cheyenne History, Legends and Language"
  "Chief Dull Knife"
  "Chief Crazy Horse"
  "Great Indian Chiefs"
  "Native Graphics"
  "Indian Women"
  "Chief Joseph"
  "Chief Little Wolf"
  "Chief Roman Nose"
  "Native Humour"
  "Native Legends of Various Nations"
  "Native Poetry"
  "Native Prayers"
  "Native Prophecy"
  "Sacred Ways"
  "Native Waves"
  "Ancient Indian Proverbs"
  "Chief Godasiyo (the female chief)"

"Click on the page you wish to visit!"

May you enjoy Eagle's Aerieand the original works submitted by readers.
and the brief glimpse through the"Window of the Past", learning the ways of our forefathers!

Visit....Native American Waves

¿?¿ Can you hear the drumbeat of distant drums ?¿?

Hi, and Welcome to Native American Wavs! If you don't see the wav you want..a new listing should be here in the next few days ... Please keep checking back....Enjoy! - VoÅxÅe`Å & Ma`ome He`e

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Web design throughout this site are Copyright © S.Matkovic 98
Editor-Mentor -VoÅxÅe`Å
Copyright © Obol 98
Background Design- Copyright © Uncle Gus
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