Random Links
Okay, there's not a whole lot of order to these pages, but I'm really trying to add some! Mostly this page is for me to have all my links in one place. Why not bookmark them? Because I have a computer at home and a computer at work. This can get me to where I "need" to be quickly. I don't promise that the links are all up to date all the time, but I keep a general eye on things. Let me know if you have problems! Enjoy!
Whoa...I hope this isn't too much organization, but it suddenly occurred to me that this site is for ME, and it's getting hard to navigate, so here I offer some quick links to different parts of the page.
Daily links
- AM News Abuse--highly
recommended by me ("Your Daily Dose of Apparent Intelligence")
- CNN News Want some news? Go visit CNN.
Star Tribune Home Page News from the view of Minnesotans.
Weather This is for Minnetonka, Minnnesota, but you can link to the city of your choice.
- The Weather Channel For Wayzata, Minnesota. This is my page and I live there, remember? *grin* (Again, can link to desired city.)
Washington Post Crossword Puzzle Wow! Thanks, Jen, for brining this
to my attention! :)
Star Tribune Crossword Puzzle Wow! Thanks, Janice, for bringning this to my attention!
- Another Crossword Thanks, me, for finding this one.
- Meriam-Webster Dictionary Note to non-Americans: It's in American-English, not British-English. It recognizes the British spelling and refers to the American spelling. Suffer.
- Athens Real-Time Traffic Congestion Map - Central View Well, I'll use this every day. I don't know about YOU.
- Minnesota Traffic: I found the Athens Traffic site one day while looking for Minneapolis traffic. I couldn't find anything in Minnesota on the web, but I found Athens. I've since been given a couple of sites for Minnesota:
- Top of Page
Nifty places
- memail.com Free Greeting Cards, Animations and Cartoons
- Virtual Florist Not a
hint, but I really like flowers!
- Excite Search engine. Of course, if you don't know that, you probably don't know what a search engine is.
- Yahoo A search engine. Not limited to yahoos.
- Keirsey Test Find out
which of sixteen personalities you are. (I'm an infj..take it for what it's
- Tests, tests, tests Personality type tests for fun. :)
- Trivial Pursuit Can play an online version of the game!
- National Journal
Network Great monthly writing ideas for journals. I think you have to
be a journal writer to apprecaite this page...
- IRC help
For those pesky IRC questions, you'll probably find an answer here.
- University of Minnesota, Morris
- Hi-Way Federal Credit Union Hi-Way Federal Credit Union Web Page. Should you need to go there.
- Ask Dr. Math We discovered that people who have taken calculus usually have lost the ability to do simple math. I know I have. :)
- WWII Memorial
- US Patent and Trademark Databases
- Personalized Diet Analysis
- Where's George? Not our current president, but the first one. This site can help you track where your dollar bill goes!
- Phone Spell Meet someone like me who's bad at memorizing numbers? Find out if your number spells anything!
- HTML Tutorials for the Complete Idiot Don't you love how some people love to be called idtiots?
- Library of Congress Because... Well, because.
- Top of Page
"Useless" Places (i.e., Trivia Places!)
Bizarre places
- Extreme Ironing This is my kind of extreme sport. Right after Extreme Programming.
- Earthquake as a Rose An Earthquake hit the West Coast of the US a while back, and a pendulum at a museum created a rose in it's sand. Very cool and pretty.
- Death Clock Want to konw when you'll die? Very happy site.
- Top of Page
- AAA Jokes Sever Atari Games Galore For those who grew up with Atari--here's your site! Commodore fan? LOSER! (Kidding. I just enjoy recalling those fights over the different systems)
- Wildbrain.com Funny animations!
- Joke Wallpaper Good
ip address if your boss watches your surfing *grin*
- NuggetCam
"#rc5/Monarch1: Yes, I think a web cam says "I may have no life, but
you're watching me." :)" [I like the quote, okay?]
- Bill Gates Wealth Index
- Nitpickers.com That's my web site! Too bad it's just about movies and I don't have anything to contribute.
- Dream Dictionary Did you ever have a bizarre dream and wonder what a psychologist would come up with? Don't waste your money on a professional, just look it up in the dictionary and realize...well, it's just a dream.
- Top of Page
Colorblindness tests....Are YOU colorblind?
Many adults find out that they're colorblind...are you one of them?)
For Jane Austen Fanatics...You're not alone!
"Upon my word, Jane Austen is a literary genre in and of herself." - Scott Menghini
- Regency Era and Jane Austen
- Writings and Discussions on Jane Austen!
- Personal Jane Austen Fan Pages
- Top of Page
Vacations & Travel
Shopping Places
- Hunter Dan...American Sportsman, Hunting Action Figure for Kids Y'know. If PETA hadn't made such a big fuss about this site, I probably never would've known about it.
- Barnes & Noble-I told you
I am an English major, didn't I?
- Catalogs of wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses, prom dresses, accessories, shoes Nope. Not planning any weddings, nor am I going to prom. But I love fancy dresses.
- Cabelas My brother's favorite store for all things hunting and camping.
- campmor.com My favorite online store for all things camping.
- Piragis For more Boundary Waters specific equipment, go here.
- A Book About You For non-writers, you can order on this page a children's book about, well, you or anyone else you'd like to honor.
- Vermont Teddy Bear Company I love teddy bears. These are cute and fun.
- Top of Page

A little helping hand for you techinept people out there, look up
your technical terms here. (This includes IRC/Internet abbreviations.)
What am I forgetting? Oh yeah. Directions home. Remember,
is at five thirty. Don't be late. And wash up before you come to the
I can be reached by email at serene-@cheerful.com and by pony
Last modified: 29 April 2001 (previous modifications: 31 October 2000, 25 February 1998)
The views and opinion expressed on this page are strictly those of a
deranged mind. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or
approved of by the University of Minnesota or aliens from Mars. Nor will
they ever be.