從前,在香港還未開埠的一個樹林裡,住著一個天真無邪的小女孩,她一天到晚都嚷著: "媽媽,
今年你會送甚麼生日禮物給我啊?" 媽媽知道小女孩對紅色情有獨鍾,於是在生日那天送女兒一套
有一天,媽媽突然焦急地跑到小女孩的跟前,緊張兮兮地對小紅帽說: "外婆生病,趕緊替我拿些點
心去給外婆吃,路上記緊要加倍小心! " 說罷,小紅帽便拿著點心一蹦一跳地向著外婆家跑
進去了。在路上走了沒多久,有一隻面目可憎的野狼突然走到小紅帽的跟前並溫柔地對她說: "小女
孩,你要去哪兒啊? 小女孩戰戰兢兢地回答說: 外婆生病了,我要去探望她。"
野狼心裡忖著: "不如我先把小女孩吃掉,再去吃那個在病榻無力還擊的婆婆吧,哈哈,今次可以擦餐
飽!" 正當野狼張開血盆大口之際,小紅帽突然從口袋裡取出一件點心,順勢放進野狼己經張開的口裡。
小紅帽體貼地對野狼說: " 你的肚子都在咚咚作響,你吃一件點心吧,我可以留餘下的給外婆吃,媽媽
Unable to satisfy his insatiable hunger, the wolf asked Little Red Hood in a greedy manner: " Could you give me some
more to eat?" Little Red Hood paused for a moment and said: " Sorry, I cannot. The rest of dim sum has to be reserved
for my grandmother. But if you are still hungry, please follow me to grandmother's house. I can cook for you over there."
The wolf agreed to Little Red Hood's suggestion, thinking that he may follow her to the house and then eat them altogether.
When they reached grandmother's house, Little Red Hood knocked at the door and said merrily: " Grandma! Please open the
door!" However, there was dead silence from inside. Fearing that her grandmother might be too sick to answer the door, Little
Red Hood cried louder for several times "Grandma, are you okay?" But all of her attempts were fruitless. A bit impatient, the
wolf roared: " let me knock open the door!" The wolf began to bang the door severely.
The moment when the wolf successfully bursted open the door, he was caught red-handed by the grandmother. The grandmother
stared at the wolf angrily and said: "You want to eat my granddaughter?? Ask me first!! I heard your footsteps long before your
pathetic creature landed in front of my door!" The grandmother then turned to Little Red Hood and said: " Don't trust anybody
so easily, especially those strangers you met on the street."