Visit one of God's great Creations: West Virginia's National River Recreation Area: New River: It's fantastic. See my "Come and Enjoy West Virginia" page.
Why me Lord? What have I ever done to receive even one of your blessings?
This site is dedicated to the memory of all of my family members both past and present including myself.
This site is made possible by the many years of history and geographical research and by the ten years of geanelogical research that I have done. As long as I can see and have the tools, this research will continue. This entire website is the expression of my love for the history and beauty of my family and of the people of this region. It also expresses the love that I have for my state where my first earthly loyality rests. This loyality begins in the center and spirals tightly outward. It also expresses my love of God and for His people.
May we love God with all our hearts,all our minds, and all our soul. And, may we love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
Okey L. King Jr.
Have you survived cancer or some other often fatal desease, or perhaps you have survived a near fatal accident?
It may very well be that God is not done with you and that he has preserved you for a very special task.
Seek his face and ask Him what he would have you to do
Don't Dispair. He Sees The Sparrow, and He Sees You and Me.
Within this website, you will see many sets of dates separated by a dash. I believe that what we do with Christ within the time span represented by the dash will determine where we will spend eternity. I believe that this is plainly stated by Christ in Mark 16:15-16.
Main Theme Song: Battle Hymn of the Republic
Mark 9
33 They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house, he asked them, "What were you arguing about on the road?"
Accept His Love and His Purpose for your Life. Be a Reflection of that love to Others..
34 But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest.
35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."
36 He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them,
37 "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.Alex King, My Friend Closer than a Brother passed away, August 22, 2002
I hereby declare that August 22, 2003, and every August 22nd thereafter, because of Alex's faithful and honorable service, will be celebrated as ALEX KING DAY here on the Koenigsberg.
Alex's standins Jasper and Mr. Scabbers are now writing their page.
Because this page may tend to be a little slow to load the first time, I performed a little surgery, But, I am contrary and did not want to be to free with the knife. If you will take a few moments away from the rush and take a deep breath or two, I humbly believe that you will like what you see and hear: this old man turned up and poured out into this page. I indeed love what I do.
It would be nice if you could sign my guestbook which is in the box at the bottom of the page
Most of the recent photos on this site are my personal photos. Those that are not mine will not have my credit. It is my goal that all recent photos on this site will be photos of my own making. There will be some that belong to my grandson Jonathan and a few may belong to friends.
Hi I'm Okey and I'm proud to be from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. I'm an ol poor boy who just turned 68, but I'm rich in the beauty of God's Creation of which West Virginia has more than its fair share.
History, Geography, and Customs Pages
The Four Spiritual Laws that Lead to Salvation
The Appalachian Conference Homepage
The International Pentecostal Holiness Church
The Principle that Governs My Life
I also hold as heroes those who have given their lives that I might remain a free Citizen of the Unites States of America."
Caldwell, Greenbrier County, Wonderful West Virginia
If you have a comment or a Prayer Request, please feel free to email me and I will enlist the aid of our Chruch's "Prayer Warriors" to aid me with your petition.
� 1997
Okey's History, Genealogy, Writing, Hiking, Auto Tours, Nuggets From The Gospel and the Celebration of West Virginia
West Virginia Trivia
You will not be able to see all of this site in one setting, so please come back again.
To see the old man behind the name, meet my family, and to see where we live, click below.
Our Genealogy Pages
"The Days Gone By"
History, Geography, and Customs PagesMy Enjoy West Virginia Pages
West Virginia Treasures in Crises: CAN YOU HELP?
This Mountain Home
To learn more of what I believe God has given me, email me.HERE ARE OTHER SITES THAT YOU MAY ENJOY
My Special Heroes: The Men and Women who, empowered by the Holy Spirit and loving God with all their hearts, minds, and souls, have given their lives that I and the rest of the World might know Jesus.
It Would Just Tickle Me To Have You Sign My Guest Book and leave your comments...It Would!
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