edmund the impaler - 11/19/00 08:18:32 SCA Group: house accipter City/State/Country: australia | Comments: |
Migueil of Atlantia - 10/27/00 16:02:12 SCA Group: starkhafen City/State/Country: virginia beach va | Comments: |
Troy Ahrensberg - 10/20/00 19:02:34 My Email:house_of_fun@hotmail.com SCA Group: Looking for one! City/State/Country: Spring Valley,CA-USA | Comments: I am looking for a place/person to talk to about all this! I think it looks like great fun! Please contact me! |
Corinne MOuse Wittmayer - 10/06/00 21:38:41 My Email:Cricket_Mouse_00@yahoo.com SCA Group: NOT SURE City/State/Country: MCBH` | Comments: I am not sure, I when to a 12th night progran in January of a couple of years ago and a MAN named JOHN kissed me withthe cloven frout and sence the I cant find theGroup HELP ME |
adam - 10/01/00 04:54:04 My Email:adamcollings@earthlink.net SCA Group: writer/independent scholar City/State/Country: San Clemente, CA 92674 | Comments: Hope to meet up with you folks someday, perhaps at one of your future events. |
Ilaria Montrevil - 08/27/00 04:23:21 My Email:garylee@yucca.net SCA Group: Shire of Scorpians Hollow, Outlands City/State/Country: Clovis, NM, USA | Comments: Just wanted to say Greetings. I enjoyed looking at all your photos. My sister just joined the SCA a couple of weeks ago-finally. I don't know which shire,barony she's associated with. She lives up in Running Springs. I,personally, have only been in the SC a couple of years but I really enjoy it. I hope to be able to attend an event in your area when I manage to visit my sister again. |
Challandra Roussell - 08/20/00 22:09:53 SCA Group: Shire of Appledore Kingdom of An Tir City/State/Country: Kelowna, BC Canada | Comments: Good tidings to the populas of Caid. I just thought i would stop and have a look at the site. Well Done. A special Hello to Oswyn Goodryke, i look forward to some pics. Challandra Roussell of the house Fallon Moor, Shire of Appledore, Kingdom of An Tir |
Lynnette Almeida - 07/29/00 06:06:48 My Email:hwnlady@rr.hawaii.com SCA Group: Barony of Western Seas City/State/Country: Honolulu, Hawaii | Comments: |
glenn parker - 07/20/00 05:31:53 My Email:kcot62@aol.com | Comments: hello |
Genny Bee - 07/05/00 20:09:32 My Email:beegenny@hotmail.com City/State/Country: Pasadena, CA, USA | Comments: Hello! I am just getting into the SCA and you're my closest group. Just thought I'd drop a line. -Genny |
George Francis - 05/31/00 18:22:43 My Email:George.francis@worldnet.att.net City/State/Country: Oceanside,CA | Comments: Just wanted to say i like what you have done here on your web page and look forward to becoming a SCA member and joining the fun. |
St. Robin de Graves - 05/31/00 14:58:15 My URL:http://www.medievalfantasies.com My Email:robin@medievalfantasies.com SCA Group: Medieval Fantasies Renaissance Merchant's Gallery City/State/Country: Barony of Altavia ~ Kingdom of Caid | Comments: Celebrating 12 years of participation. Please visit my site. |
Joseph Fisher - 05/31/00 00:14:46 My Email:Witcheshaven @ hotbot.com | Comments: |
- 05/04/00 21:03:08 | Comments: |
Jennifer Jacobs - 04/29/00 01:32:07 My Email:opus4me@aol.com City/State/Country: Riverside, CA | Comments: :) |
Dana J. Sanders - 04/22/00 02:04:31 My Email:fablespinner@hotmail.com SCA Group: caid / House Rose Glen City/State/Country: Azusa/CA/USA | Comments: Greetings and salutations to all. Anwyn of Gwynedd House Rose Glen Kingdom of Caid |
James M. - 03/28/00 08:31:18 SCA Group: Gyldenholt, Caid City/State/Country: Santa Ana | Comments: Nicely presented. I enjoyed the romp through history. Do you have any more photos of Fall Coronation in Gyldenholt, Nov, 21, 1998 ??? |
Suzanne Kroger - 02/29/00 02:29:49 My Email:skroger@fixauto.com SCA Group: Legion(mercenary) Dreiburgen City/State/Country: Norco, CA , USA | Comments: Just wanted to say thank you for posting such wonderful pictures. I hope to see more in the future. Catrin ferch Madoc of Gwenydd |
Joseph of Silver Oak - 01/31/00 05:58:44 SCA Group: Caid | Comments: |
Broinnfind Ingen Lochlainn - 01/31/00 05:17:04 My Email:bustiiis@ aol SCA Group: Norwache City/State/Country: Fresno,Ca. USA | Comments: More! More! I am enchanted with pics from events that I've been to. Thankyou! |
Ulrich der Haveke - 01/30/00 19:42:09 My URL:http://geocities.com/mendersham My Email:jstryder@excite.com SCA Group: Ansteorra City/State/Country: Mendersham/Kingdom of Ansteorra | Comments: Very interseting Web Page. |
Lady Lareej - 01/29/00 04:59:53 My Email:ladylareej@yahoo.com SCA Group: Darach Shire City/State/Country: Ventura, Ca. USA | Comments: |
Zera - 01/14/00 01:57:02 My Email:zera73@yahoo.com SCA Group: Clan Caer Lonn City/State/Country: Santa Ana Cal. USA | Comments: We love SCA . |
Edna Esparza - 01/13/00 21:13:57 My Email:ladypaloma@yahoo.com SCA Group: Caid/heatherwyne City/State/Country: Azusa, CA 91702 | Comments: Great fun!! |
Mark Hughes - 11/12/99 03:40:27 My Email:hughes3586@aol.com SCA Group: Atenveldt(CAID-the Abbey) | Comments: Please pass on my sympathies to Duke Armand, I just now head about the Dutchess. We have known each other in passing nigh on 20yrs. I was known as Lord Eldar, I am now Lord Richard. |
Lachlan Erskine - 11/03/99 21:04:44 My Email:imcintosh@adrenalin.com SCA Group: Lyondemere City/State/Country: Redondo Beach, CA | Comments: Thanks for this service. Timely too. An event I attended not one week ago has found its way onto this page! |
stephen wiser - 08/20/99 00:18:59 My Email:wiser@ccis.com SCA Group: none City/State/Country: boron ca usa | Comments: ijust have a great interest |
Therese de La Maunche - 07/16/99 13:16:52 SCA Group: Southron Gaard City/State/Country: New Zealand | Comments: Living out here on the edge of Caid it is wonderful to see images of the Crown and large events in the mainland. One day I'll visit. |
Kris-Dave - 07/14/99 01:36:41 SCA Group: Dun-Or City/State/Country: Lancaster, ca. USA | Comments: Lot of Fun. |
Tasha - 07/11/99 17:43:56 My Email:susaneichman@hotmail.com City/State/Country: Santee, CA USA | Comments: Well done! As someone who is interested in joining your picture represent you well. If anyone has any information they can forward me on how to become involved please e-mail me. Your web site is very enjoyable! |
paganus - 06/18/99 00:10:36 My Email:paganus@aol.com SCA Group: Gallavally City/State/Country: hemet,ca | Comments: need new stuff! |
Reainiewriters - 03/23/99 19:55:59 City/State/Country: welton/california/USA | Comments: Good day to you all m'lords and m'ladies. |
Grainne Inghean Diarmada - 03/02/99 00:00:27 My Email:beccas12@earthlink.com SCA Group: Altavia/Angels City/State/Country: Shadow Hills | Comments: As I shake the dust and grass out of ALL my wooly garb and cloaks, I have to say thanks to all who attended/autocrated for a fantastic Estrella...and YAYAYA to CAID....and from a first time fighter--thanks to all, see you next year!!! ps Beansidhe says:"woof"..silently |
James Motley - 02/15/99 04:30:44 My Email:dmotley@ix.netcom.com SCA Group: none City/State/Country: Orange CA | Comments: Interested in the SCA, will be appling soon. I have found a source for stainless steel chain mail links, 1/2 dia. 7/16 dia., 3/8 dia., .o62 302 stainless steel spring wire. Please contact me if you are interested. thanks, J. Motley. |
Baron Sir Taras of Kiev - 01/30/99 08:50:49 My Email:sirtaras@home.com SCA Group: Barony of Myrgan Wood City/State/Country: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,Canada | Comments: Well done |
- 01/28/99 01:06:11 | Comments: |
Sharon Jamerson - 12/30/98 07:17:34 My Email:Dragones7@AOL.com SCA Group: Gyldenholt City/State/Country: Cypress, Ca. Orange | Comments: Great work with the photos! |
PATRICK KASCHUBE - 12/21/98 21:11:22 My Email:PKASCHUBE@HOTMAIL.COM SCA Group: Corvus (when I'm in town) City/State/Country: Pt Reyes Station, NoCal | Comments: Hi all see ya at the war. |
Killian MacTaggart - 12/14/98 04:16:45 My Email:jdataa@primenet.com SCA Group: Shire of Al-Sahid City/State/Country: Hesperia, CA | Comments: Thanks for the opportunity to see great pictures. Well done. |
Battista - 12/13/98 10:41:25 My Email:wookiekie2@yahoo.com SCA Group: House Porto City/State/Country: Altavia | Comments: I'm so glad to see you updated your page and added some new pictures. I would sure like to see a few more Rapier pictures in there, but I understand! :) I snagged a few for my web page as well. Thanks alot and keep up the good work. Dona Battista |
Ludwig (Sable Unicorn) - 12/02/98 23:26:29 My URL:http://www.lucernevalley.net/~unicorn My Email:unicorn@lucernevalley.net SCA Group: CAID, Army of, 4th Brigade, Formerly of City/State/Country: Lucerne Valley, CA., USA | Comments: Nice Job |
michael marineloch - 11/13/98 00:54:04 My Email:mmcki18935@aol.com SCA Group: House Phalen City/State/Country: Vista, CA 92084 | Comments: I was just curious, did anyone submit pictures for Sept. Padrero? I would Like to see them on this site. The other pics are great and deserve greatful praise. Keep up the good work. |
Riki-Amber - 11/08/98 22:04:55 My Email:amberstar4@hotmail.com SCA Group: Drafn City/State/Country: La Mesa San Diego Cal | Comments: So nice to look through these pictures and see fellow Caidians while I'm up here in the West. I miss you all very much. Tell Drafn I said Hi. |
Allan Blackharp - 10/29/98 13:07:45 My Email:blackharp@earthlink.net SCA Group: Heatherwyne City/State/Country: Rowland Heights, Ca, USA | Comments: I have been unable to attend many events do to real life job. I wish to thank you for publishing a photo of "She who holds the key to my heart". We will both be attending fall coronation. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Brigit MacPherson - 10/15/98 17:29:24 My Email:Ayperi@aol.com SCA Group: Barony of Gyldenholt, City/State/Country: Costa Mesa, CA, USA | Comments: If you don't know who I am: Tribal Bellydancer, Related to Miguel Esteban Franco blablabla (of Castillo de Solaz), in House Mistwood, in love with the Drew Lawson of the Mistywoods. |
Guy du Requin - 10/14/98 18:26:42 My Email:dgz1480@garnet.acns.fsu.edu SCA Group: Shire of Oldenfeld, Trimaris City/State/Country: Tallahassee, FL | Comments: Greetings! As a neophyte stick-jockey, your photos are inspirational!! Thank you for sharing them with us. Respectfully, Guy du Requin (Dave Ziegert) |
Cindy - 09/24/98 23:59:00 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Steve Reizes - 09/22/98 05:42:13 My Email:sreizes@aol.com City/State/Country: Sherman Oaks | Comments: Wow - A web site. I've been out of touch since Altavia was still Sarnwold. We'll see what I decide I have time for. |
Lachlan Sinclair Dumas - 09/21/98 00:07:09 My Email:jeffdp@earthlink.net SCA Group: Blacklake, Ansteorra City/State/Country: Midland, TX Midland | Comments: I was looking for pictures of my friends, Malachi and Taisiya, (Who was known in Meridies as She Whose Christian Name Must Not Be Mentioned) and thought I would sign in! |
- 08/02/98 03:32:30 My Email:squire42@hotmail.com SCA Group: darach City/State/Country: oxnard ca ventura | Comments: cool site keep up good work dermott macclerie |