14th Brooklyn N.Y.S.M.

An excerpt from the foreword published in the Regimental History, “ The History of the Fighting Fourteenth”.

“In the sixty-five years of its existence the personnel of the Fourteenth Regiment has changed many times. Officers and privates alike have perished on the field of battle, or peacefully at home; time and death, those two relentless enemies of all humanity, have never ceased their onslaughts upon its ranks. And yet its ranks are full. Most of the men who once composed the regiment are gone; yet the regiment itself exists.

Military organizations are like nations in this respect that, although they seem to be always dying, yet they do not die. The individuals that compose them, one by one, retire from the strenuous battle-field of life. But the spirit which created them lives on. And living, it draws to itself other individuals to take the place of those who have fallen from the ranks.

It is, therefore, the spirit which is the regiment: not anything which you can touch, or see, or take hold of; but the aspirations, and emotions, and sacrifices, and bold deeds, and noble ardors of each of all the individuals, combined into one intangible force that leads and inspires and animates and guides. Mere Individuals are subordinate to this spirit which is really the regiment; it accepts their offerings of devotion and of courage, and in return strengthens them for new courage and fresh devotion; but always it is the master, and they are the instruments. Originally a thing of their own creation, it has come to dominate them and to use them for its own clean and idealistic ends; the spirit of the regiment is the master, and if they are worthy they cannot choose but serve. “

Though these words were written many years ago in reference to the original men of the 14th, these words still stand true today in our re-enactment community. We all come together on the weekends, from different walks of life, different vocations to portray those great men who came before us. Those men who fought so gallantly to “preserve the Union!”. You can feel the Spirit within you. The pride in wearing the uniform.

We stand out, how could we not with our red pants. Another reason why we must be aware of how we portray our forefathers. We must put aside our personal needs and goals for the good of the Regiment, the SPIRIT of the Regiment! It is my belief that the 3rd paragraph of the Foreword above perfectly describes what all who re-enact the 14th Regt. N.Y.S.M. should bear in mind.

Gentlemen and ladies, let us all work together for the “Spirit of the Regiment”. This web page was created to assist in that. It will serve as a common ground. Dedicated to ALL the companies of the 14th Regiment N.Y.S.M.. Please submit your web site addresses, contact phone numbers, historical information, photos, etc. If you should have any suggestions or criticisms please pass those along as well.

Huzzah!!! Brother Red Legs, Son’s of Brooklyn!!!! Let’s make this work, together.

I Remain Your Humble Servant! In Trust!! Capt. Frank Ruiz, Sr. Co. E 14th Regt. NYSM (Charles Teasdale)

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