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Click on the Links for research sites!


Hello and welcome to Jorge's Research Web Site!

A few months ago I began researching my final year BTh thesis using the Internet and found it to be a jewel for anyone doing research!  I decided to "publish" my research links on a free site so that all that need to do any type of Christian research may have a site where links are already set out for them.

I did not set out to re-invent the wheel, and so I have made full use of the sites that I have found to be of interest.  This means that this site is only a deposit of on-line resources  and serves only to promote those sites that are helpful for research and education, and have provided me with great information.

My other purpose for building this site is so that my family and I can have a Web Identity (!).  You can find out about us, and how I can be of help to you, by clicking on the Rebolledo's link.

This site is provided free so that you too can have a fruitful and interactive experience of Web Searching!

If you know of any sites that are good for research and are not listed here, send them to me!

In Christ, Jorge Rebolledo

(P.S.  If you would like to help me out financially, buy a book on-line with Amazon.Com!)

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