Minneapolis Japanese School

Establishment and Purpose

The Minneapolis Japanese School was established by a consensus of parents or guardians of school age children, primarily for the purpose of providing academic attainment that would enable the children to adjust smoothly to age appropriate classes when they return to Japan. The classes consist of Kindergarten through 12th grade and Japanese Language Class.

Educational Objective

The school with their experienced and qualified staff members provides three hours of instruction per week for at least forty (40) weeks during the year, primarily in the areas of Japanese language and mathematics, in accordance with the Teaching Guidance Summary established by the Japanese Government, Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture. School books are provided by the Japanese Government free of charge.

Japanese Language Class

The Japanese Language Class was established to support students who are interested in mastering Japanese language in the bilingual and the native Japanese speaking environments with Japanese cultural events. Instruction in this class will be given both in Japanese and English. If a student is willing to transfer to the first grade of the Elementary School, he/she will be able to do so by taking an examination for the first grade and the oral interview in Japanese.


c/o Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD)

2501 Stevens Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Mailing Address

c/o Takuzo Ishida
6374 Lynn Way
Woodbury, MN 55129-9543
Phone: (651) 458-1758

Internet Web Site Home Page Address


Enrolling Students

Japanese Language Class : 4 - 11 years old
Kindergarten : 3 - 5 years old
Elementary School and : @
Junior High School School age children for Japanese compulsory
Senior High School : Students who have completed Junior High School


School day and Hours : Saturdays, 8:50 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.


Japanese Language Class : Basic Japanese
Kindergarten : Japanese conversation, Reading/Writing, and Crafts
Elementary School : Japanese (2 hours) and Mathematics (1 hour)
Junior High School : Japanese (2 hours) and Mathematics (1 hour)
Senior High School : Japanese (2 hours) and Mathematics (1 hour)
Public reading for all students
Kanji examination by class for all students


$ 55 / month for Japanese Class, Kindergarten, Elementary School and Junior High School
$ 65 / month for Senior High School

Enrollment Fee

$ 100 for first child
$ 50 for each additional child

The Board of Directors

Takuzo Ishida (Chair)
Takashi Ito
Tetsuo Morizono

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