p.gif (3432 bytes)lease, take a few moments to read the following e-mail.

One of my best friends has lost his cousin in a brutal bomb attack in Sri Lanka. There were at least 20 people left dead and a lot got injured.

The bomb went off on a friday afternoon at rush hour in a busy shopping street.

How cruel can people be when they are blinded by hate and fanatism?

I wish for Sri Lanka  a peaceful solution before more harm is done.

I don't know how to ease their pain, but maybe your words of comfort written in the guestbook might help.

I would feel much obliged if you could pass this on to all of your peace loving friends.


fire8.gif (9115 bytes)iIn memorial :

the victims of the bomb attack in Colombo,

Sri Lanka, Friday 10th of March 2000bluestar.gif (13953 bytes)



Date: Mon., 13 Mar 2000 22:04:10 PST


Thanks for the e-mail. We got big sad news from Sri Lanka. I was on leave yesterday. My 1st cousin (my mothers elder sisters son) got caught for the bomb blast on last Friday. One of pallet of bomb gone inside near his eyebrows and he died. We came back to Colombo to attend his funeral on Saturday morning. We were there all the time till yesterday evening till he is taken to burn. It is big lost for us, he is big friend for us.

He was been in Australia and done his 2 SMC’s and PhD and come to Sri Lanka last

15th of February. He is 35+ and started work on previous week Monday and died on Friday.

He has 2 kids one is 1 1/2 years old and other one is just 4 months.

Bye for now

Take care



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