Welcome to my homepage

My name is Danielle, I live near the city of Antwerp, that is in the Northern part of Belgium.


My native language is Dutch, it is the language of the majority of Belgians, the ones living in the North and the West, near the North Sea. In the Southern part of Belgium people speak French and in the Eastern part the population speaks German. We are supposed to speak at least two of the languages used in Belgium, but most educated people are multilingual.

Why I picked out KARIBU as the name of my homepage? Karibu means "Welcome", it is Swahili. It is the name we have chosen for our voluntarian group at our University.

If you are interested in what keeps me busy pls visit my page at site.

I like poetry and on occasion I wrote some myself, inspired by stories, of real life or from the virtual world.

So if you ever need someone to guide you through town and show you all the nice places and the curious pubs we have here, give me a ringggg!!

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