Communication Technologies 26-27 April 1999 RISC Hagenberg Castle / Linz, Austria 3rd INTERNATIONAL AUSTRIAN-ISRAELI TECHNION SYMPOSIUM CUM INDUSTRIAL FORUM "Technology for Peace - Science for Mankind" of the Austrian Technion Society Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Cooperation with Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Transport Austrian Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs RISC - Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University Linz The Honorary Presidency of Sponsors Komm.-Rat Leopold BÖHM and Liselotte BÖHM Owner MGC Textil- u. Mode-Großhandelscenter, MGC Office-Center Errichtungs AG Dr. Franz Dobusch Mayor of the City of Linz, Capital Austr. Fed. State of Upper Austria Dr. Caspar EINEM Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Transport Dr. Hannes FARNLEITNER Austrian Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Mr. Amos Lapidot Gen. (Res.) President, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Haifa Dr. Christoph Leitl Vice-Gov. for Economy & Technology Austr.Fed.State o.Upper Austr. H.E. Nathan Meron Ambassador of Israel in Austria Dipl.-Ing. Othmar Pühringer Governor of the Austrian Federal State of Upper Austria Dkfm. Gerhard Randa Direktor General, Bank Austria AG The Committee of Honours Komm.-Rat Hon.Prof. Friedl BAKALOWITS Pres. ÖGV/Austr.Assoc.of Comm.,Trade&Ind. Mr. Yoram BLIZOVSKY Director General, The Manufacturers&Mac226; Association of Israel Prof. Mag. Dr. Willibald DÖRFLER Rector, University Klagenfurt Prof. Dr. Wolfgang GREISENEGGER Rector, University of Vienna Prof. Dkfm. Dr. Hans R. HANSEN Rector, Vienna Univ. of Economics & Business Admin. Prof. Mag. Dr. Adolf HASLINGER Rector, Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg Dr. Herwig KAINZ Secretary General, ÖGV/Austr.Assoc.of Commerce, Trade & Industry Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Irolt KILLMANN Rector, Technical University Graz Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Günter KOCH Managing Director, ARCS - Austrian Research Centers Hon.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Helmut LIST Managing Director, AVL List GmbH Ing. Leopold MADERTHANER President, Economic Chamber of Austria Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Leopold MÄRZ Rector, University of Agriculture Vienna Dipl.-Ing. Peter MITTERBAUER President, VÖI / The Federation of Austrian Industry Mag. Wilhelm MOLTERER Federal Minister, Austr.Fed.Ministry for Agriculture & Forestry Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter PASCHEN Rector, University of Mining and Metallurgy Leoben Mr. Dan PROPPER President, The Manufacturers&Mac226; Association of Israel. Chairman, The Federation of the Israeli Economic Organizations Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolf RAUCH Rector, Karl-Franzens-University Graz Prof. Dr. Arnold SCHMIDT President, Austrian Science Foundation Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter SKALICKY Rector, University of Technology Vienna Chairma, Conference of Rectors of Austrian Universities Prof. Dr. Christian SMEKAL Rector, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck Prof. Dr. Franz Strehl Rector, Johannes Kepler University Linz Prof. Dr. Werner WELZIG President, Austrian Academy of Sciences Dipl-Ing. Herbert WOTKE CEO, Austrian Industrial Research Promotion Fund |