Designed by Dina Cahen
Last update : Sep, 2008  - Israel

dreidel  dreydel  dreydle  dreidle sevivon svivon games spinning top spinning tops nahsholim Nahsholim  íéìåùçð íé÷çùî äéëðç äëåðç íéðåáéáñ  ïåáéáñ     íé÷çùî äéëðç äëåðç íéðåáéáñ  ïåáéáñ
The   tops    have   fascinated  the  world   since  the   earliest  recorded  times. 
In  the  British  Museum  are  glazed  composition  tops   from Egypt, 1250 BC, which  were  spun, not  whipped, and a  claymodel of  a spinning top  from  ancient  Greece, 750-700  BC. 

Young  women, as  well  as  girls  and  boys, whipped   tops  in  ancient Greece,  and  vases  often  depict  the activity: for instance, on a lekythos in the  Metropolitan Museum of  New  York, two  women  are  seen vigorously whipping their tops. 
   (Children's  Games with Things/ I. and  p. Opie, 1997). 

From looking at tops one can be  impressed by: 
The way Tops are Launched, the Material they are made off, their Shape and Disguise

Tops can be found in most Countries,  there is a word for them in various languages

In our world there are useful objects and toys that Look like tops

The aim of tops is as a toy  and a Decorative object.

More subjects of interest:

musicPerpetual Motion,  Paganini

"Mischievous" top

Sevivon, Dreidels at 
Hanukah - how come?

Letter Games 
Braille letters

Sevivon made of tin or lead

Source of inspiration for:

Songs, Games & Decorations,

Art objects  Kafka

Recommended Web Sites

About me


spinning top     spinning tops       sevivon      svivon    hanukah   hanuka   chanukah
 äëåðç     íéðåáéáñ    ïåáéáñ     íé÷çùî äéëðç åáéáñ  ïåáéáñ
dreidel  dreydel  dreydle  dreidle sevivon svivon games spinning top spinning tops
nahsholim Nahsholim íéìåùçð nahsholim Nahsholim  íéìåùçð

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