
Mary Help of Christians
College Seminary



Institutional Objective

The Mary Help of Christians College Seminary is the Collegiate Seminary of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan. It hopes to bring "to the Priesthood those who have been called, and to bring them adequately trained, namely, with a conscious and free response of adherence and involvement of their whole person with Jesus Christ who calls them to intimacy of life with Him and to share in His mission of salvation" (Pastores Dabo Vobis, n. 42)

Its aim is the more explicit and fuller development of a vocation to the priesthood, as it prepares young men for higher theological studies and eventually, for priestly service in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan.

It offers a program of studies leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts with concentration in Philosophy.

Through its varied curricular and co-curricular activities it hopes to produce graduates who would be:

Responsible and free, creatively effective and committed Catholic Christian Filipinos.
Educated to love truth, to be loyal, to respect every person.
Just and true to their word, genuinely compassionate, men of integrity and balanced in judgment and behavior.
Men of communion: affable, hospitable, sincere, prudent and discreet, generous and ready to serve, capable of opening himself to clear and brotherly relationships and of encouraging the same in others,
quick to understand, to forgive and to console.
Professionally competent and able to contribute fruitfully to the building of a more human world and equipped with the following skills: the ability to observe, analyze, interpret, communicate intelligently and clearly, organize and effectively lead.
Men who have learned to live in intimate and unceasing union with God, who live His Paschal Mystery in such a way as that they will know how to initiate into it the people committed to their charge;who seek Christ in His Word and the Sacred Mysteries of the Church.


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