

P. O. Box 83

Cochran, GA 31014

phones: 912 934-3179 (work)

912 934-1830 (home)




Sept. 1991 - present: Assistant Librarian for Public Services and Associate Professor of Library Science, Roberts Library, Middle Georgia College, Cochran, GA 31014.

Duties include: traditional reference service; management of electronic information resources; library instruction; composition of weekly newsletter and other informational materials, and service on various faculty committees.

Special service has included serving as the College's Coordinator of Distance Learning Development (1993-94); membership on the (Georgia) University System Ad Hoc Committee on Distance Learning and Instructional Technology -- Academic Services Workgroup (1994-1995); the GALILEO Reference Steering Committee (2000-present), and presenting numerous Internet workshops to both campus and community groups.

Sept. 1984 - May 1990: Assistant Professor of English; Division of Humanities; Brewton-Parker College; Mt. Vernon, GA 30455.

Duties included teaching various English courses in literature and composition at both junior and senior college levels, service on various faculty committees, and student advising.

Special service included chairing a SACS self-study committee on Institutional Purpose.

Tenure granted 1989; promotion to Associate Professor would have become effective Sept. 1990.

Additional teaching experience: 1976-1983. Graduate teaching assistant, Dept. of English, University of Mississippi. Was instructor of record of two or three classes each semester at freshman and sophomore levels.

Additional library experience: Summers 1982 and 1983. Library assistant, J. D. Williams Library, University of Mississippi. Rotated in departments of Reference, Circulation, Periodicals, and Inter-Library Loan.



August 1991 - M.L.I.S., University of South Carolina.

August 1983 - Ph.D. in English, University of Mississippi.

May 1978 - M.A. in English, University of Mississippi.

May 1974 - B.A. in English and Spanish, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, May 1974.



"The Accidental Audience: You Never Know They're Out There." With Bryan Rampey. Presentation to the Thirteenth International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. Jacksonville, FL, April 13, 2002.

"File It Under 'Conversations That Never Took Place.'" apocrypha 6:3 (Fall 2002).

"Distant Adventures: GALILEO in Iceland." Information Technology (Office of Information and Instructional Technology [OIIT] News Bulletin), Oct. - Dec 1997, p. 3.

"GALILEO: Leveling the Information Playing Field." Keynote address to the Association of Icelandic Research Librarians," Reykjavik, Iceland. Sept. 11, 1997.

(Similar presentations also made to a group of library science students and professors at Landbokasafns Islands/Haskolabokasafns [the National and University Library] in Reykjavik on Sept. 8, 1997; and to school librarians at Flensborgarskolinn, a public school in Hafnarfjodur, Iceland, on Sept. 9, 1997.)

"Internet Access Policy: Censorship and Privacy Concerns." Presentation to the Ethics Section of the Tennessee Academy of Science. University of the South, Sewanee, TN. Nov. 22, 1996.

"Use It! Usenet As a Reference Tool." College and Research Libraries News 57 (May 1996: 294-6.

"Not Ready for Reference??? A Rebuttal to 'Putting the Internet in Perspective.'" The Internet Homesteader, vol. 2, May 1995, pp. 33 & 28.

"An Internet Christmas Sampler." The Internet Homesteader, vol. 1, December 1994, pp. 1 & 5-6.

"Confessions of a FreeNet Junkie." The Internet Homesteader, vol. 1, Sept. 1994, pp. 1 & 5-7.

"Holocaust Resources on the Internet." The Internet Homesteader, vol. 1, August 1994, pp. 1 & 5-7.

"Done In by a Squirrel!" [Experience of losing Internet access when a squirrel chewed through library's cable.] Contribution to Federation of American Research Networks (FARNet) Stories Project, "51 Reasons to Build the National Information Infrastructure," Feb./March 1993. Access:

[as Leslie Jean Campbell] "Exercises in Doom: Yoknapatawpha County Weddings." Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association. 4:2 (Spring 1978):1-7.

[as Leslie Jean Campbell] "Bellamann, Katherine Jones." In Lives of Mississippi Authors, 1817-1967. Ed. James B. Lloyd. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1981. pp. 27-28.



Received, with Dr. Phil Gibbs, an MGC-FTP mini-grant to team-teach Web-enhanced classes in Early American Literature and Early American History. Spring Semester 2001. Individual Web pages created under that grant now are accessed worldwide.

Numerous public presentations to both academic and community groups (on both literary and electronic information topics), including teaching an Elder Hostel course on William Faulkner, participation in a panel discussion for a University of South Carolina academic librarianship class in Eastman, GA, Oct. 9, 1993, and several guest lectureships to individual USC librarianship classes.

Continuing education has included attendance at the 2nd and 3rd Annual Information Access Conference, Univ. Of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 1994 and 1995; an indexing workshop at the College of Library and Information Science, the Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Dec. 12, 1997; completed Sociology 335, "History, Memory, and the Holocaust," a Web-based DL class at Piedmont College, Demorest, GA, Spring 2000.

Knowledge of HTML publishing; author of various Web pages including "Henry Bellamann, 1882-1945,", devoted to the career and works of the Missouri novelist and poet (1800 visits since June 1999); "Leslie’s Seven Sushi Lessons," (over 5000 visits since June 1999).

Good reading and writing knowledge of Spanish; passable spoken Spanish. Some reading knowledge of German and Icelandic. Basic knowledge of Japanese katakana and kanji writing systems.