Leslie's Personal Reference
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These are the sites I keep handy for info:
(A lifesaver! Don't leave home without it!)
The CIA World Factbook
(The first place to go when you need to know something such as, "What language
do they
speak in Indonesia?" or "What is the population of Canada?")
The Internet Movie Database
(All the info on movies and TV shows, actors and actresses, and
Rx List -
The Internet Drug Index
(Good consumer health info!)
Lyrics.ch - The
International Lyrics Server
(Lyrics to over 79,000 songs -- the place to go when you
forget the words to "The
Lion Sleeps Tonight!")
The Cook's Thesaurus
The Epicurious Dictionary
(Check out these two sites for anything you need to know about
Air Fares for Less
Currency Converter
(Leaving on a jet plane? Check here to see how much it will cost!)
Acronym Finder
(If you need to understand some alphabet soup, this is the place to go!)
Ethnologue: Languages of the World
(We all do a lot of talk-talk-talking. Take a look here to find
out about the languages
we speak!)
A Metric Converter
(This converts temperatures, distances, and other
measurements for the metrically hopeless. Very

Banned and Challenged Books
(What They don't want you to read!)
U.S. Authors - State-by-State
(An unusual and handy reference guide.)
More resources to come! Please check back