Hello People, this is my guestbook.

Kurt Evans - 11/25/00 22:40:09
My Email:evans_kurt@hotmail.com
Age: 30
State/Country: South Dakota
Your Favorite Author: Martin Luther

I've read each of Frank's six novels and his wife's autobiographical *Seasons of My Heart* at least twice. I read *Seasons* between readings of *The Visitation* for comparison. (Last month I finally left the loud Pentecostal church I'd attended since 1988 because the pastor wouldn't stop telling me to turn to the person next to me and say things.) I've also read *Trapped at the Bottom of the Sea* and *Flying Blind* from the Cooper Kids series. My favorite novel is *Prophet*: "It's hard, son, to have God show you things and tell you things and then not know what to do with what you've been given." I used to listen to "God's Way or My Way" from Focus on the Family so often that I practically had it memorized, and I did Frank's biology teacher caricature before Steven Curtis Chapman's "More To This Life" for the 1991 homecoming week talent show at South Dakota State University. I had the audio version of *All Is Well*, but I gave it to a girl with a single mom for her birthday in July 1993. It's a cute story where Frank writes himself in as a kindly old man, then compares that to God writing Himself into human history through the birth of Christ. At the end he talks about how he knew the characters were going to be all right even when they didn't. I'm not sure why I decided to search the web for Frank's name today, but I'm glad I did because this is the first I've heard about *The Wounded Spirit*. I'm eager to read it since I have a wounded spirit myself. :)

Joe Lorence - 11/21/00 03:09:50
My Email:joelorence@hotmail.com
Age: 13
State/Country: United States
Your Favorite Author: Too many
Your Favorite Band/Singer: P.O.D.

This wil help for my second quarter book review on Frank Perreti. This is the only place I found things. Thanks!

Melissa - 10/21/00 03:36:13
My Email:mv.pope@juno.com
Age: 15
State/Country: IN/USA
Your Favorite Author: Al and Joanna Lacy and many others

I was searching on the Internet for some books by Janette Oke and found your web page. This is pretty neat! I am a Junior in high school and also enjoy listening to music. I really don't have a favorite group. I like any good music like hymns or Biblic l songs with the right kind of music added to them. Thanks for making this web page!

Karen - 10/20/00 03:35:43
My Email:karen@rvusa.com
Age: 34
State/Country: Florida

I found your website because I was trying to find out about Frank Perreti's story All Is Well. I have the book but I heard him on the radio reading it a couple of years ago and I was interested it getting a copy of that. But I guess if the book is out o print there probably isn't a tape either. It is a great story. I read it every Christmas and cry every time. It is kind of a tear jerker but in a good way. If you ever find an audio copy of Mr. Perreti reading All Is Well, snatch it up. It is excellant!

- 10/16/00 02:11:35


Scott Davies - 09/30/00 01:55:46
My Email:rockhoppera1@hotmail.com
Age: 30
State/Country: Mich. USA
Your Favorite Author: Peretti, Lahaye/jenkins
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Les Miserables musical

I love your home page. I to, love Frank's work. I can't wait for his next book. Do you know when a new book may be released? Have you read the "Left Behind" series? You may want to start the series when they are "ALL" finished or you will have to wait forever to see what happens. "The Mark" is coming this Nov. 14 FINALY! See Ya!! Scott

guess - 09/21/00 04:51:51

I think you should slander k-mart's lasers... and McCoy.

Tim Dyer - 09/04/00 23:48:54
My Email:dyerdfsi@bluemarble.net
Age: 43
State/Country: Indiana, US
Your Favorite Author: The Holy Spirit (I'd like to get an autographed copy of the bible)
Your Favorite Band/Singer: too many to list, though Phil Keaggy's right up there

Thanks for providing the Website. Please see my e-mail!

KWhite - 08/22/00 16:47:55
My Email:klw527@stic.net
Age: 47
State/Country: Texas, USA

My daughter has been assigned several books done by Frank Peretti in her English class. She attends a Christian School in San Antonio, TX. She has been reading Mr. Peretti's books though her school since her seventh grade year. (She's now a sophomore.)H r latest assignment is "This Present Darkness" Part of the assignment was to do research on the author. Thanks so much for your input. Like you said, there's not a lot out there about his personal life. Thanks so MUCH FOR YOUR HELP.

Vicki - 08/13/00 21:17:10
My URL:http://lemky_v.tripod.com/VixtersPage/
My Email:kaotic_stuff@hotmail.com
Age: 16
State/Country: SK, Canada
Your Favorite Author: too many!!
Your Favorite Band/Singer: DC Talk

Hey I just ran into your website and noticed Frank Peretti books, I think he's a great author as well. I just finished This Present Darkness and I'm gonna be reading The Oath or The Visitation soon, my parents have the books. Anyway, check out my site a d nice site yourself! :D

dawn - 08/09/00 17:17:17

one other thing...he's in the process of making a movie on "this present darkness" CANT WAIT!

dawn - 08/09/00 17:15:42
Age: 30
Your Favorite Author: lahaye/jenkins, frank peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: larue, steven curtis chapmon, skillet, 3rd day

cool site on frank! Whats cool is we live in the same town and went to the same church (i quit that church tho) he is quite a banjo player as well! nice guy and a nice wife.

amelie - 06/01/00 00:47:40
My Email:www.harkins@sympatico.com
Age: 16
State/Country: quebec/canada
Your Favorite Author: janette oke
Your Favorite Band/Singer: steven curtis chapman

I am a novice with the internet and I got quite lost...and ended on your site. It was interresting! Have a niceday & God bless!!!

Jason Baartman - 05/03/00 19:41:23
My Email:none
Age: 18
State/Country: Rock Valley, Iowa
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Creed

I read the Oath by Frank Peretti. It really opened my eyes to all the things that are wrong with society today. Satan does so much to try and make us sin. The only thing we have is our belief in God.

Christy Boss - 04/22/00 02:37:37
Age: 15
State/Country: AK
Your Favorite Author: Lori Wick
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Backstreet Boys

Thanks so much for this site!! I had to do a report on Janette Oke for my English class. This helped a lot!

gina tyler - 04/18/00 13:01:13
My Email:gina_patina@yahoo.com
Age: 14
State/Country: ny
Your Favorite Author: frank
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Burlap to cashmere


justin hoyt - 04/18/00 00:48:51
My Email:none
Age: 17
State/Country: NC/ hickory/US
Your Favorite Author: dean koontz/frank peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: N/A

i am really glaD that you have this info on frank peretti i really need it for a research paper i am doing in my 11th grade english class thank you very much!!!

Mellissa - 03/21/00 00:39:57
My Email:mellissa36@juno.com
Age: 17
State/Country: Louisiana
Your Favorite Author: Michael Phillips
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Phil Collins


- 02/29/00 02:10:38


Peretti fan - 02/25/00 22:46:44
Age: older than dirt
State/Country: NC US
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Grammatrain this week

Check out "stainless steel hearts" and "The Stain" bt Strouse

- 02/25/00 22:38:56

If you like Peretti, I think you will also enjoy a couple of books by Strouse. They are "Stainless Steel Hearts" and "The Stain". I found them by accident in the public library.

Mary Lisa - 02/17/00 00:46:31
My Email:shorthottie28@hotmail.com
Age: 14
State/Country: Texas
Your Favorite Author: Peretti and other
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Jennifer Knapp


Crystal Wilson - 01/31/00 22:43:16
My Email:cdesw@locl.net
Age: 18
State/Country: Ohio
Your Favorite Author: Janette,Oke
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Don't Know

I think you have done a nice job. i'm a senior in highschool.what part of Ohio do you live in I live in williams county ever herd of Montpelier,OH. janette is one of my favs.she is really great writer.

Rebecca - 01/28/00 18:06:45
My Email:beka1276@flash.net
Age: 23
State/Country: Oklahoma/USA


stephen - 01/25/00 18:52:51
My Email:yankee1jc@aol.com
Age: 12
State/Country: SC
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Newsboys

I love the newsboys and frank.I have read all his books.

DeeKay - 01/20/00 21:01:13
My Email:bdeekie@eastky.net
Age: 30
State/Country: Ky
Your Favorite Author: Janette Oke
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Point of Grace & Gaithers

I really enjoyed your article on Janette Oke. She is my all time favorite author. I have all her books! I would like to hear from others who also enjoy her books.

Melanie - 01/13/00 23:52:18
My Email:schneeflock@msn.com
Age: 17
State/Country: Arizona

I'm a huge fan of Frank Peretti. He is deffinately one of my favorite authors. Your web page was yery informative and interesting. Thank you. God bless.

Luella - 01/12/00 17:33:57
My Email:alleul01@hotmail.com
State/Country: Ohio
Your Favorite Author: Lori Wick
Your Favorite Band/Singer: DCTalk

I loved this page. I am reading a lot of Frank Peretti's books lately and I think they are great! I have read nearly all of Jeanette Oke's books and have about five of my own. I really enjoyed it!

Amanda - 01/04/00 20:52:02
My Email:amanda.s.murphy@cummins.com
Age: 24
State/Country: Indiana
Your Favorite Author: C.S. Lewis
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Simon & Garfunkel

You host a nice page. I belive you are the only Peretti page on the web. I would love to find a biblical discussion about This Present Darkness. Do you have any direction for me? Thanks.

Christygirl - 11/23/99 22:26:46
My URL:/SouthBeach/Harbor/7519/Index.html
Age: 17
State/Country: USA
Your Favorite Author: Jannete Oke
Your Favorite Band/Singer: BSB, 98º

Hey! Great page! *¿* I enjoyed looking at it. Christy :-)

Jennie - 11/18/99 04:08:07
My Email:sagebrush12@juno.com
Age: 44
State/Country: Washington

I just got through reading "The Oath" and really liked it. Yes, I believe that his tales bring our faith to life and especially appreciate his Pacific Northwest tales as I feel I know those small towns. A word of advice - check your spelling on your pag s - that says a lot about one's credibility! Thanks again for your information!!!

Ferdie Pretorius - 11/15/99 16:51:50
My Email:ferdie_p@hotmail.com
Age: 19
State/Country: South Africa
Your Favorite Author: Michael Crichton
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Lots

I've just discovered Peretti's books and they're great.

Joel - 11/10/99 00:44:22
My Email:cinnamontc@hotmail.com
Age: 23
State/Country: Canada
Your Favorite Author: Frank E Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Rebecca St. James

I just finished reading Frank's "This Present Darkness." It was an excellent book. Reading this book has really opened my eyes to spiritual warfare. I would highly recommend this book to any Christian. But I would warn you to be careful and continue t be strong in your walk. By the way this is a great site.

Evelyn - 11/02/99 10:35:00
My URL:http://evelynromp.homepage.com
My Email:eromp@hotmail.com
Age: 20
State/Country: Netherlands
Your Favorite Author: Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: The Corrs

Hi Melissa, I really like your homepage. Your brief descriptions are very clear, and a lot better than those long stories. You get to the point! Love, Evelyn

Melissa - 11/01/99 02:45:09
My Email:dulaney@vicksburg.com
Age: 32
State/Country: Mississippi
Your Favorite Author: GOD (not being funny) smile
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Don't have one

Guess I'm pretty boring. Just bought and began to read my first Peretti..."This Present Darkness". It is FABULOUS. I guess Peretti is my second favorite author! (ha ha). I used to be a big steven king fan until I began my walk in newness of life with hrist Jesus. Peretti- I guess it can be said- is Christian "horror" writer. I love the depictions of angels in the book I'm reading now...WOW THEIR AWESOME- GOD IS AWESOME!! bye

Melissa - 10/26/99 21:35:46
My Email:Missy2938@aol.com
Age: 17
State/Country: GA/USA
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Celine Dion, Offspring, Dixie Chicks, Savage Garden, Faith Hill, Martina McBride, and many more

I really enjoyed your site..it helped me alot for my speech. Thanks for the info. Melissa :O)

jennifer - 10/21/99 08:54:57
My Email:gigi_girl16@hotmail.com`
Age: 16
State/Country: hawaii
Your Favorite Author: Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Jaci Valasquez

Thank you so much for this great page! I have only read "this present darkness" And I loved it. It changed my perspective in spiritual warfare.

Jennifer Johansen - 10/21/99 06:37:58
My Email:jenniferj@intelisoft.net
Age: 34
State/Country: Portland, Oregon
Your Favorite Author: Janette Oke


linda wefler - 10/18/99 22:52:58
My URL:http://lwefler@smjuhsd.sbceo.k12.ca.us
Age: English teacher
State/Country: california
Your Favorite Author: frank peretti, anne rivers siddons, mauve binchy, stephen king, eugenia price
Your Favorite Band/Singer: neil diamond

Hope you got my e-mail. If you didn't, here it is in a nutshell. I have an outstanding high school student. He writes on an adult level. Jeremiah Ezekiel is currently reading The Visitation which he took from my hands after reading This Present Darkne s. I believe he is changing the way he believes spiritually. He used to be a pastor in 8th grade for a Baptist church, but turned completely the other way when something devastating happened to him. He is a Stephen King fan, so he put several of his St phen King books in my hands. Anyway, to make a long story short, Jeremiah would love to job shadow frank peretti since it is Jeremiah's intentions to be a writer. You mentioned that Peretti lives out west somewhere. We live in California. I'm not sure when you wrote your web page, but if you tell me any more specifics on peretti's address (e-mail or home) I would be much obliged. Your web page is great. You have the most complete information that I had been able to find on peretti. I picked up your web page from snap.com. I'll sign...this is the day that the Lord has made,I will rejoice and be glad in it. Linda Wefler Santa Maria, California (805) 925-2567, x3523

Mike Carmody - 10/16/99 12:59:46
My Email:carmody3@hotmail.com
Age: 27
State/Country: Canada
Your Favorite Author: Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Steven Curtis Chapman

Thanks for the site! It is great to see others who appreciate Peretti's work. I am currently reading "The Visitation", and so far it matches his earlier work. God Bless and Teach you!

Mike Carmody - 10/16/99 12:58:13
My Email:carmody3@hotmail.com
Age: 27
State/Country: Canada
Your Favorite Author: Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Steven Curtis Chapman


Marie - 10/07/99 03:00:37
My Email:mandy_ree@yahoo.com
Age: 15
Your Favorite Author: Janette Oke
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Celine Dion

One of my all time favorite books is Love Comes Softly. After I had read that, I fell in love with the other books in the series. I love Marty and Clark and the family to pieces. The best thing about these books is seeing Marty grow from being young and u certain to a wonderful mother and grandmother. Great Site. Keep up the good work!!! Marie

stefanie - 10/03/99 19:59:40
Age: 17
State/Country: kansas
Your Favorite Author: I have many
Your Favorite Band/Singer: dito

Hey it's a great web page. it really helped me out!

John J. Schafer - 09/29/99 22:41:50
My URL:http://www.cbnnow.com
My Email:john.schafer@cbn.org
Age: 31
State/Country: Virginia Beach
Your Favorite Author: Frank E. Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Stephen Curtis Chapman


Tracy - 09/28/99 19:18:30
My Email:tracysaint@hotmail.com
Age: 31
State/Country: KY
Your Favorite Author: Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Lots of 'em

Melissa, Thank you for the info. I can't get enough of Peretti's writing. Just finished "The Visitation". My favorites are still "the darkness" books. Do you know any other authors/books dealing with this same topic? I was born in Ohio, so I think i 's a good place.

shannon lundgren - 09/27/99 02:59:28
My URL:http://shannonlgte.com
Age: 17
State/Country: california, usa
Your Favorite Author: frank peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: undecided

thanks for the info it was great

Mrs. Mari Jo Trafford - 09/23/99 04:20:31
Age: 32
State/Country: Canyon Country, CA
Your Favorite Author: WAS-S.King NOW-Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Bloodgood,Petra,Kieth Green,Denise Williams & others too.

I commend you for putting something so positive on the internet for fellow believers to get to. Being inspired to read novels that help us to stay effective for the kingdom of God. Before I was a christian I had every book of Stephan Kings. Now I'm dedica ed to get every book that Frank Peretti writes. Continue to press on for JESUS!!!!

nobody - 09/15/99 13:36:30
My Email:i don't know
Age: none
State/Country: confusion
Your Favorite Author: MaCaffery
Your Favorite Band/Singer: none

That is a really neat and helpful sight. I already knew most of the stuff on Peretti, but not all of it.

sandra bishard - 09/04/99 01:00:21
My Email:sands2@fulton-net.com
Age: 50
State/Country: ohio usa
Your Favorite Author: janette oke

Thanks I have been looking for a complete list of Janette oke's books and i found on your web page. I have started reading her books at the beginning of 1999 and can't wait to read the next one. I love her.....

- 08/23/99 04:04:06

can i have sex with you

Sharon Goertzen - 06/06/99 06:09:42
My Email:goertzen@hamilton.net
Age: 41
State/Country: NE
Your Favorite Author: Janette Oke & Max Lucado
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Rich Mullins

Thanks for all the information on Janette Oke. I have most of her books and have read them several times. They are such an inspiration to me. God Bless!

Sharon Goertzen - 06/06/99 06:09:19
My Email:goertzen@hamilton.net
Age: 41
State/Country: NE
Your Favorite Author: Janette Oke & Max Lucado
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Rich Mullins

Thanks for all the information on Janette Oke. I have most of her books and have read them several times. They are such an inspiration to me. God Bless!

milton franklin - 05/17/99 05:51:31
My Email:msf35@hotmail.com
Age: 36
State/Country: va
Your Favorite Author: fran perretti


Jenny Vredeveld - 03/21/99 19:39:39
My Email:dougv@drenthe.net
Age: 15
State/Country: MI
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti/C. S. Lewis
Your Favorite Band/Singer: DC Talk


Sibling-Brother - 03/14/99 01:13:44
My Email:you know it
Age: Old enough
State/Country: state of denial
Your Favorite Author: Anne McCaffrey
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Oh gee..guess??

Fabulous site sibling..keep up the good work!

shadow - 03/07/99 05:18:30
My Email:drasia@netscape.net
Age: 18
State/Country: Indonesia
Your Favorite Band/Singer: OFFSPRING


Jeff Sutherland - 02/26/99 20:00:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/3783/welcome.htm
My Email:drpentode@hotmail.com
Age: 18
State/Country: CO, USA
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti, C.S. Lewis
Your Favorite Band/Singer: All Star United

If anybody can tell me how to contact Frank Peretti, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

Pam - 02/20/99 05:12:42
My URL:http://home.swbell.net/monica01
My Email:monica01@swbell.net
Age: 32
State/Country: Texas
Your Favorite Author: Lori Wick

You have a wonderful web site. Keep up the great work!

Jon Zacher - 02/08/99 03:18:49
My Email:ZEEHOME@worldnet.att.net
Age: 17
State/Country: ND
Your Favorite Author: Gary Paulsen
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Shania Twain


floater31 - 02/03/99 00:03:22
My Email:floater21@hotmail.com
Age: 20
State/Country: OH
Your Favorite Author: JD Salinger
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Barenaked Ladies

Very well done

Michael(Mieko) Cardinal - 01/29/99 02:07:00
My Email:iguotp@yahoo.com


Jenny Wendt - 12/31/98 05:55:10
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members6/zebontheweb/index.html
My Email:Jenny_Zeb@xoommail.com
Age: 19
State/Country: New Zealand
Your Favorite Author: Bodie (&Brock) Thoene; Frank Peretti; Francine Rivers
Your Favorite Band/Singer: DC Talk

I really like your web page, I was curious as to what other books Frank Peretti has written besides the ones I currently own. Nice work, you satisfied my curiosity. God Bless you Melissa.

J.M.Philipsen - 12/15/98 14:40:44
Age: 54
State/Country: Netherlands
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Several

Just looking somehing about my favorite author, I found your page. Nice work. Thank you and God bless you.

Garry Glass - 12/10/98 23:54:47
My Email:Garry_Glass
Age: 47
State/Country: OH USA
Your Favorite Author: None
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Yanni

Hello Melissa, I'm your father

Catherine - 11/27/98 21:06:24
My URL:www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/6051/http://
My Email:eatyourfoot@juno.com
Age: 15 ( 16 in January:0)
State/Country: Hawaii, UsA
Your Favorite Author: Aww.. I have to pick a faV? I love Peretti and Oke and Lahaye&Jenkins
Your Favorite Band/Singer: dont have a fav..but I like Jars of Clay, Third Day, Deliriou5?, and Caedmons Call

Nice page! Its cool to know a little more about 2 of my favorite authors:0) and its also nice to find a person who likes them both too:0) Of my friends, I am the only avid reader.. :0) Now dont get me wrong..I love my friends and I dont think I could ask or any better ones.. but talking about books with them is like talking to my sister in Latin:0) ... I know.. you dont know my sister..but you get the point right? doesnt work:0) well.. I really like your page:0) keep up the good work my friend:0) email me if you ever get a chance:0) It would be nice to know you:0) God Bless! Maybe Ill talk to you soon? :0) Your sister in Christ Catherine

Jill - 11/05/98 23:16:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1639/guest1.html
State/Country: Arizona
Your Favorite Author: Janete Oke, Lois Henderson, anything by Focus on the Family!
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Steve Green, Susan Ashton, and lots more!

Great page!

10/26/98 07:17:52
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Annie - 10/14/98 15:41:40
My Email:jgroff@snowcrest.net
Age: 15
State/Country: California
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Point of Grace, Jars of Clay, and the Newsboys

Melissa, Thank you for your info on Frank Peretti. I'm doing a report on him and was very thankful when I found your page. I pklan on reading some of Jannete Oke's work but right now I'm working on Frank Peretti's stuff. I love your page keep up the good ork. ~Annie~

Becky - 10/08/98 15:50:42
My Email:BeckyO17@aol.com
Age: 17
State/Country: MO USA

Your page was the only one I could find with summerys of the books Thanks a lot!!!!

Toby Wayne Glass - 10/01/98 07:33:18
My Email:massac@hcis.net
Age: 24
State/Country: IL, USA
Your Favorite Author: Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Jars

Good little page ya got here.

Cindi Foster - 10/01/98 02:44:40
My Email:fawn@iquest.net
Age: 32
State/Country: Anderson, Indiana
Your Favorite Author: Janette Oke

Janette Oke is a great writer. My sister-in-law and I are always eager to get a new book by Mrs. Oke. Her books have touched my heart time and again.

Anita Abrahamsen - 09/28/98 20:39:11
My Email:Rabraha@online.no
Age: 26 years
State/Country: Norway
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: I like almost everything

Hello My name is as you can see Anita. I have to children and work home. My English is not very good, but I have to say that I like your home side. I have read almost every book Peretti has written. But I don`t no if "the Oath" is iveileble in Norwegian. I haven`t foand it yet. Perettis books has made a big different in my life. Thats for sure!! Well, no I have sign yor guestbook, and if you want to send me a mail, you have my address. OK, Mange klemmer fra Anita i Norge

Jennifer - 09/14/98 23:57:07
My Email:braysb@person.net
Age: 16
State/Country: NC, USA
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Many

Hi I'm doing an author project on Janette Oke. I have to read her books, review them and give an interesting presentation on her. Any creative ideas or information would be sooooooo helpful. Thanks for your time! Jennifer Bray

Lillie - 09/08/98 03:38:23
My Email:decreek@hotmail.com
Age: 18
State/Country: Illinois, USA
Your Favorite Author: Janette Oke
Your Favorite Band/Singer: not into that kind of music

Hi, Melissa! I think it's great that there are so many people interested in Christian authors. There is just something I love so much about Janette Oke's style, that I will always be a dedicated J.O. fan.

NEON - 09/08/98 03:30:36
My Email:decreek@hotmail.com
Age: 18
State/Country: Illinois, USA
Your Favorite Author: Janette Oke
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Ron Hamilton

Hi, Melissa! I think it's great that there are so many people interested in Christian authors. There is just something I love so much about Janette Oke's style, that I will always be a dedicated J.O. fan.

Josh - 09/02/98 02:20:39
My Email:josh_keen@hotmail.com
Age: 17
State/Country: Tasmania
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: I like anything Christian

I enjoyed looking at your page and hope that you would email me!!!

Justin Walters - 09/01/98 23:16:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/6765
My Email:-Justin-@usa.net
Age: 17
State/Country: Indiana/USA
Your Favorite Author: Michael Crichton

Hi Melissa, I'm also a fan of Frank Peretti. I've read all his books you have listed except for Tilly.
My favorite one is This Present Darkness. Sometime soon I'm going to add you to my links page, your reviews are great!

ICQ: 723075
AIM: Beefalo99

Melissa - 07/29/98 15:33:01
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/j/u/l/july134u.html
My Email:lovinGod84
Age: 14 female
State/Country: NC
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Jars/Jaci

heya!! thanks for adding m site!! and going to my site!! the reason the pictures were broken up and didn't turn out, is because you can only view them with Internet Explorer...and when you added my site..the part on the address where it says homepage...sh uld be homepages....thanks !!

Melissa Whitman - 07/22/98 19:42:35
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/j/u/l/july134u.html
My Email:lovinGod84@hotmail.com
Age: 14
State/Country: NC,USA
Your Favorite Author: Frank Peretti
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Seven Day Jesus,ect., Jaci Velasquez

HI!! I had no idea who you were till I went to a search engine searching for Frank Peretti because he's my fav. author and I'm doing a research report-biography on him and was looking around, and found you and was shocked!! and guess what, my sister is li e a senior bout to graduate to go to EMMANUEL college and LOVES Janette Oke, and we have the same name!! it's awesome! here's a little info bout Peretti you might wanna add to your thingie, it's the only thing that I have that's not in your report: Frank Peretti and his wife built a cabin up in the Pacific NorthWest, and now they live in Couer d' Alene Mountains in Idaho and they both are licensed pilots. shocker to me! I love planes! it's fun learning about him. He's a philosopher too. and a "moder genius" and described as "Steven King under the revival tent" pretty cool names, I've read The Oath, and am reading "This Present Darkness" but I have the sequel and "Prophet" umm...do you have the rare book of his called "All Is Well"? it's out of print now, was published in 1991 though..musta really been a seller, or maybe not that good at all... his father's church was an Assemblies of God church. I'd love to hear from you! can you add my web site to your links, and go to it too? I really have some interesting stuff on it, if you look hard..

Philip - 07/17/98 15:47:56
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~aphilly8/index.html
My Email:aphilly8@yahoo.com
Age: 54
State/Country: Western Australia
Your Favorite Author: I like Janette Oke & Frank Peretti too, among many
Your Favorite Band/Singer: not my thing

I'm interested in your page. Think a diet of Janette Oke makes a person more caring. Am recommending your page to a friend who is just starting to read Janette Oke. Keep up the good work, Melissa (or should I say Missy?)Check out mine. http://members.tripod.com/~aphilly8/index.html Christian greetings from Down Under Also you might find Jon's page interesting. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/7549/

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 02:40:24
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Stephenie McBride - 06/20/98 05:45:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3385
My Email:steph.mcbride@writeme.com
Age: 24
State/Country: Nebraska
Your Favorite Author: Janette Oke
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Whitecross, Guardian, Petra

I like your Janette Oke site, Melissa. Thanks for visiting my page. I am going to put a link to your page on mine. Stephenie

Trevor Yule - 05/27/98 13:23:36
My Email:trev@white.aljan.com.au
Age: 29
State/Country: NSW Australia
Your Favorite Author: Og Mandino
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Umm

Investigate some of Og's works - "the greatest salesman in the world" would be a good start. Have a happy

JOE - 04/22/98 00:41:09
My URL:http://members.aol.com/EvaPeron/Eva.html
My Email:secret
Age: 16
State/Country: BFE LOL
Your Favorite Author: Tomas Martinez
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Madonna

Nice page! ¡VIVA EVITA!

Jessica - 04/17/98 00:55:36
My Email:Lilac615@aol.com
Age: 16
State/Country: Ohio United States


Jessica - 04/17/98 00:55:21
My Email:Lilac615@aol.com
Age: 16
State/Country: Ohio United States


It's Me - 04/16/98 21:38:51
Age: Hehe, ain't telling
State/Country: Ohio
Your Favorite Author: Guess
Your Favorite Band/Singer: Guess

Hello! Good Page, looks like you did a lot of work on it! Keep up the Great Work Mel!!!!!!!!!

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