Wildcat speaks:
Hi! I'm glad that you braved the ferocious fauna to find out what my little slice of the realm is all about. If I explain where I got my name, it might make the bond here between felines and the arts a bit more clear. I am an alumna member of Kappa Gamma Psi, a national, co-educational, professional performing arts fraternity. It is a long-standing tradition that when you join this group, you are given a special nickname, and a lot of nicknames run in families. When I chose my big sibling (the member of Kappa who would look out for me and help me through the pledge period), I happened to choose Gato, and became a member of the Cat Family without even knowing it!
When it came down to the time to name me, the choice was quite obvious, due to my large collection of stuffed cats (who, if they are lucky may get their own page here), a particular poem I performed as part of my pledging requirements titled Latent Ferality, and some fundamental personality quirks which have helped me to grow into and deserve the name!
This domain will specialize in discussing my basic philosophies of art, talking about those artists who inspire me most, and of course exhibiting my own work, wherever possible -- I'm very eclectic, but not very static! There must, of course, be pages about topics of feline interest as well. Everything will probably just wind up in a lovely big contrasting collage resulting in a rather mind-bending effect, which is one of my very favorite aesthetic effects to pursue.
Bethany keeps an eye on the Lair for me while I'm out on the prowl. If you click on her, she just might be able to recommend someone to do the same for you!
Entrance to the Realm of Perdea
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