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All visitors, please read the Notice of Hold.
 This domain of Perdea is devoted to all things Egyptian; as of yet there is no ruler, but Meryn-Re acts as Guardian.
I have loved everything Egyptian for as long as I can remember, and first seriously began studying the culture when I was seven years old, so that's two thirds of my life I've been obsessed. Although I have been pagan for some years, and have studied Egyptian mythology in the course of my examining all world religions, it never occurred to me to appeal to any of the Egyptian deities in my religious practices until one of them, Sekhmet, chose to tap me on the shoulder about a year ago. Since then many others have chosen to work with me, and I have the feeling that this is only the beginning!

The focus of this domain will initially be constructing a virtual temple with shrines for each of the Netjer who have chosen to share their wisdom and affection with me, with pages describing the experiences I have had with each. Eventually I would like to add sections discussing government, funerary rites, everyday life and history, but just beginning to work on religion seems like ambitious enough at the moment!

Those visitors new to the Realm of Perdea are urged to pay a quick visit to the Customs Office to learn a few facts about the policies under which the Realm is ruled before continuing their explorations.


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by Serenath.
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A Brief History of My Love of Egypt

The Sanctuary of Sekhmet
The Sanctuary of Aset (Isis)
The Sanctuary of Asar (Osiris)
The Sanctuary of Bast

Entrance to the Realm of Perdea

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All text on this page © Jen Llyne Burton, 1998. All rights reserved, reproduction prohibited.