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As of 3/25/99, construction of the Realm of Perdea is officially put on hold until further notice.

The Realm of Perdea is my personal site, and other projects have arisen to demand my immediate time and attention. Primary among these is becoming the Grove Organizer in the founding of a new Druid group in my new home near Orlando, FL -- Burning Skies Protogrove, ADF.

I am the WebMistress for a site for that group as well, and as it is an important means of publicity, it demands my attention more strongly. You can visit it at /Athens/Thebes/9937/

I will be resuming construction here as soon as is feasible, and will be doing considerable overhaul on the existing pages. I have been learning a lot through the construction of the other site, and will soon be learning a great deal more, having changed my degree program to Digital Media.

If you'd like to be notified when work on this site recommences, please drop me a note.

Many thanks for your patience and interest,
WebMistress Serenath.

Entrance to the Realm of Perdea
Wildcat's Lair
Caer Llyne

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All text on this page © Jen Llyne Burton, 1999. All rights reserved, reproduction prohibited.