Customs Office
Welcome to Perdea! We sincerely hope you enjoy exploring all our domains. We just like to provide some basic information beforehand to ensure that no misunderstandings arise to interfere with the pleasure of visitor or host. Any complaints regarding the issues explained here will not be looked upon kindly, as it cannot be said that we did not warn you. Paying attention to the cautions is entirely the responsibility of the visitor, we have done our part in providing them.
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This site is designed to be optimally viewed with a screen resolution of 800x600 32-bit True Color. Viewing it in less can distort the layout and make text difficult to read. It's probably not much more than an inconvenience, but the problems should not be blamed on poor web design.
This site is graphic intensive, particularly in the Virtual Pilgrimage section of the domain Caer Llyne. Care has been taken to try to minimize the amount of time it will take the average visitor to fully open the index pages of the individual attractions, but the photographs are somewhat large files and so do take time to download. Please be patient.
Copyright Issues
The majority of this site consists of original images and writings. Anything whose source is not explicitly given credit at the bottom of the page it is on may be assumed to be original. In most places such material will be followed by copyright symbol and stipulations, but in some it may not. Whether copyright information is present for an original item or not, all unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution of such material is forbidden. If you find an item you would like to use for a particular reason on a personal web page or other non-commercial endeavor, you are welcome to contact Webmistress Serenath; all petitions will be seriously considered.
If, having explored here, you find any of the original work on another site without due credit, or you find work by another not properly documented here, please contact Webmistress Serenath as soon as possible. Copyright is an extremely important measure to guarantee the growth of all mental and artistic endeavor in free society, and everyone who can should respect and guard it.
Site Topic Declaration and Disclaimers
The main topic material of this site at the current time is focused on a personal exploration of various aspects of pagan religion. This is stated clearly, so that those of more mainstream or conservative bents of mind who may have no wish to explore such topics can make an informed decision about whether to continue surfing here.
Other disclaimers connected to the issue of religious tolerance include:
-- this site does not claim to know or speak the deep cosmic truths of all of the great number of faiths that fall under the label "pagan";
-- this site does not necessarily endorse all of the religions that are called pagan solely on the merits of that label; and
-- this site does not claim to express the one and only true way to practice or perceive the faiths discussed herein, or that paganism itself is the only valid religious path.The Realm of Perdea will not be held responsible for any dissatisfaction or anger on the part of persons who ignore or disregard all or any of these disclosures, and are subsequently offended by the material presented on this site.
Entrance to the Realm of Perdea
Wildcat's Lair
Caer Llyne
All other material on this page © Jen Llyne Burton, 1998. All rights reserved, reproduction prohibited.