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Welcome to the Realm of Perdea!

All visitors, please read the Notice of Hold.

 Serenath speaks:

Perdea is a very special place, a realm founded on impressions and ideas and imagination. Here, time is fluid when it applies at all, and the best elements of what are, in conventional terms, called the past, present, and future can often come together to create a harmonious whole. The keys to many things which have been despaired over as lost may be found here. Perdea does not exist in the physical world, though the seeds of its creations and many paths to begin its explorations may be found there. Perdea exists, sleeping in shadows, everywhere, and by exploring this cyberspace window upon it you waken it in yourself, and expand its boundaries.

As Perdea is not a homogenous whole, but rather a union of many complimentary facets, there are many domains within my realm. Some, being older, have established rulers, while those who are just evolving do not; you will eventually be able to choose to explore by ruler, domain or topic to find what you seek.

The realm as a whole is reigned over by myself, Serenath, with the valued assistance of Khaemwaset. My main interest right now is to provide a site well governed and maintained in which the views and passions of those who are near to my heart may find expression and an audience. If you have any comments or questions for me in that regard, please feel free to e-mail me at:

Those visitors new to the Realm are urged to pay a quick visit to the Customs Office to acquaint themselves with a few basic facts and policies regarding the governance of these lands.

Having other dragons like Ciareth about always makes me feel more at home. If you feel the same, why not click on him to find out where he came from, and if he has any relatives looking for a home?

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