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If you think that this sounds like a title for a soap opera you're probably right. The reason for this is because when doing research for my school project I did a lot of reading up on Greek mythology and it really does sound very dramatic.

Within these pages you will find tales of Revenge, punishment, love found and lost and a lot of lust. Caught your attention yet? J

These pages are based on a school project that got carried away from a year of more back. I say "carried away" because I was suppose to come up with an interesting topic for presentation and I somehow managed to convince my poor group members into helping me in researching what tuned out to be a 100-page book on one of my favourite subjects. Greek Mythology.

Neither the book nor these pages could have been done without the help of my former group members from Junior Collage. Wendy, Miki, Pearl, Aik Meng & Su Hwei. The graphics on the page were all painstakeingly drawn by my good friend, Melissa Loh.

To see me shamefully thank these people click acknowledgements.

Ok enough of me gabbering. Enjoy your tour and be sure to E-mail me any comments and/or suggestions that you may have as to how I can/have help(ed) you. Oh yeah and pls sign the guest book I love getting your comments. As long as they are constructive.

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I'm workin' on it