~ The Greatest Love Of All ~
Welcome to my humble abode. My name is Mercy and this is my companion, Lancelot. Wherever I go, you'll always see Lancelot closeby.

I'm so glad that you have stopped by. I hope you find your visit is a pleasant one and that you will stop by often to see the changes as they take place because believe me there will always be changes going on here. Not to sound like a cliché, but "Work on a website is never done!" *giggles* Well now, let's move forward and show you what I have to offer.

First of all I would like you to know that I have a few help pages for building your website. Within those pages are 2 step by step tutorials, along with a couple of downloads to help you learn a particular program if you should choose to do so. Those help pages can be found in the drop down menu below.
My Help Pages:

For those of you who know me, you will agree that this is definitely a change in my style and I do hope that you like it! Spring fever has hit me hard and this background seems to be just what I needed for a pick me up. Now for those of you who do not know me, I would like to tell you a little something about my site. I absolutely adore poetry as you will see when looking through the different pages. Not just any poetry but that which makes you sit up and take notice of your life. My goal is to make people think about what is important in life and to hopefully help them make the right choices. I like inspirational stories and comforting poetry, so you will find some of that here too. I hope you enjoy the choices I've made for you. I have gotten so many of these through emails and people either forget to also send the author's name or never found it themselves. If you happen to come across a poem where I have stated the author is unknown and you do know who the author is, I would appreciate an email telling me so that I may give the proper credit to the author. So let's move on to those pages.
My Poetry and Story Pages:

Ok now the last thing I would like to tell you about is the Unbroken Circle of Friends. Last year I was a volunteer for an online community called Fortune City. In my duties I had to monitor a newbie message board amongst other things. Anyway as time went on, I had made many, many friends and sort of adopted them as my online family for they visited my board almost daily just to chat and help other newbies wherever they could. Some even became volunteers themselves. To make a long story short, Fortune City went through many changes in less than a year and some of them were not so great. One of the things that changed drastically were the message boards and in that change came alot of confusion. Many of the residents said enough was enough and refused to use the new boards and that included some of my "family" which distressed me to no end. So when one of my friends found some really neat message boards that allowed us to make a community of boards linked together, I jumped on the idea. With that came asking all of my "family" to join my little community. Well others came along even though they didn't use the same boards that I was using. Thus, we started the Webring of the Unbroken Circle, which allowed us to link those boards right along with the community boards. Well our group is now out on the web helping anyone who needs help building a website on any server. You can learn more about the Unbroken Circle by following the pages in the menu below. Some of these pages are not on this site, so please hit your back buttons if you want to come back to this menu to look around some more. Be sure to visit Mercy's Mayhem when you are done looking around. This is where we all hang out daily, visiting, playing and waiting for someone to ask for help. Everyone is welcome! ;o)
The Unbroken Circle Pages:

And last but not least the beginnings of my holiday pages. More to follow soon!
Holiday Pages:

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