This story is not only about a man. This word I propose to you
"IS THE NEW WORD. THIS IS THE WORD OF THE LAST DAYS." JESUS and His Father are creators of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. This story is when He was in the flesh. What greater love can He have for us than to leave His home in heaven and live here on the earth. He felt death just like us. Than as YAHWEH He rose again. His FATHER is YAHWEH and together are the YAHWEH of the spirit. He gave JESUS the power to create, they gave birth to this world and to the flesh and every thing here, life itself. He WAS and is the YAHWEH of the Old Testament.
the human divine Son of YAHWEH,. born of the virgin Mary, He and His Father are YAHWEH. the founder of the Christian church and known by most Christians of the whole world who believe He was the one who died for our sins. JESUS was born in Bethlehem, a town about six miles south of Jerusalem. King Herods reign as king of Jews was almost over. (37-4 B.C.) When JESUS was young He was taken to Nazareth, a town in Galilee. There He was brought up by His mother. Mary, and her husband. Joseph a carpenter by trade. Hence He was known as "JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE SON OF JOSEPH." Read John 1:45. JESUS was the firstborn Son of Mary. He had four brothers; James Jose, Judas, or (Jude) and Simon. He also had sisters as well. Read Mark 6:3. Joseph died before JESUS began His ministry, Mary and the rest of the family became members of the church of Jerusalem after JESUS' death and resurrection.
There is not much known about
JESUS until He was 12 years old He was known in Nazareth as a "CARPENTER." JESUS took over as head of the house, at an early age. Mary and Joseph made a trip to Jerusalem when He was 12 years old. Read Luke 2:41-52. During His boyhood JESUS heard of the revolt led by Judas the Galilean against the Roman authorities. This took place when Judea, to the south, became a Roman province in A.D. 6 and the people living there had to pay tribute to Caesar.In a province where
JESUS lived in Galilee, was ruled by Herod Antipas, youngest son of Herod the Great. The area where JESUS was not directly involved in this revolt. There is no way to know what thought about this event at the time. But we do know what he said about it in Jerusalem 24 years later. Read Mark 12:13-17. JESUS began His ministry when He was baptized at the hand of John the Baptist. John preached between A.D. 27 and 28 in the lower Jordan valley and baptized those who wished to repent. The descent of the dove as JESUS came up out of the water was a sign that He was the one anointed by the Spirit of YAHWEH. Who would be the Messiah of the people. Read Is 11:2-9. A voice from heaven declared, "YOU ARE MY BELOVED SON; IN YOU I AM WELL PLEASED." Read Luke 3:22. After JESUS was baptized He went into the wilderness where He had to face temptation. This testing gave him a understanding of the heavenly voice and His acceptance of the path He had to take. He refused to use His power as YAHWEH'S Son to fulfill His own desires. JESUS' ministry began in Galilee after John's imprisonment by Herod Antipas. It was time for JESUS to start His Father's work and proclaim His good news in Galilee "THE TIME IS FULFILLED, AND THE KINGDOM OF YAHWEH. IS AT HAND. REPENT, AND BELIEVE IN YAHWEH. SWORD."Read
Mark 1:14-15. JESUS said that the kingdom of YAHWEH. Was accompanied by works of mercy and power, the healing of the sick, and most of all those who were demon-possessed. These works show the arrival of the kingdom of YAHWEH.. The demons that caused such pain and suffering to men and women were signs of the kingdom of Satan. When they were cast out. It proved the superior strength of the kingdom of YAHWEH.. JESUS refused to go along with religious ideas, and the religious leaders found JESUS' activity disturbing. JESUS made friends with social outcasts. He insisted on applying the law of YAHWEH. in original intention, not according to the interpretation of the religious leaders. He healed the sick on the Sabbath day. He honored the Sabbath day.Because it was established by
YAHWEH., as a day of rest for all mankind JESUS came into conflict with the scribes, the official teachers of the law. He was soon barred from preaching in the synagogues. Read Luke 6:6-11. JESUS went out on the street and on the hillside or by the lake, to preach the word of YAHWEH.. The main themes of His of His preaching were by parables. They were stories about the people of that time. He would make a point in the hearer's understanding. JESUS selected 12 men to be His disciples. He would train and teach them to share in His preaching and healing ministry. When He thought it was time, He sent them out two by two to proclaim the kingdom of YAHWEH. to the Jewish districts of Galilee.The gospel that the disciples were preaching was misunderstood. It could be interpreted as stirring political unrest. News of what they were doing reached Herod Antipas, ruler of Galilee he became very suspicious. He had murdered John the Baptist, now he began to wonder if he faced another serious problem in
JESUS. JESUS found that the people of Galilee were like sheep without a shepherd. People who were in danger of being led to disaster under the wrong kind of leadership, JESUS gave the people HIS word as well as feeding them with loaves and fishes. But they only tried to compel Him to be the king for whom they were looking. He would not be the kind of king they wanted, and they had no use for the kind of king He was, His popularity in Galilee began to decline.He took the twelve disciples further north, to teach the gentiles, and He gave them special training, to prepare them for the crisis they would have to meet in Jerusalem. In the city of Caesarea Philippi,
JESUS decided it was time for His disciples to show that He was the Messiah and what His mission was. Peter declared that JESUS was the Messiah. This showed that He and the other apostles had the faith in Him to know that He was the Son of the YAHWEH., and had given up most of the traditional ideas what kind of person the Messiah would be. The disciples could not accept that JESUS would have to suffer and die. The ideals that JESUS taught were revolutionary in many ways. JESUS' view was like invoking satan to drive to drive out satan.At the feast of tabernacles in the fall of A.D. 29,
JESUS went to Jerusalem with His disciples. He spent the next six months in the southern part of Palestine, Jerusalem and Galilee. They needed to hear the message of the kingdom. But Jerusalem was more resistant to it than Galilee. The spirit of revolt was in the air; JESUS' way was not accepted. This is way He wept over the city. The week before Passover IN A.D. 30, JESUS taught each day in the temple area, debating with other teachers of differing beliefs. A question of a number of issues came up, including the question on paying taxes to the Roman Emperor. The question of taxes was a test for JESUS, from the zealots, in their eyes, to accept the rule of a pagan king was high treason against YAHWEH. Israel's true king. JESUS said that money in which these taxes had to be paid belonged to the Roman Emperor because his face and name were stamped on it. Give to the Emperor what belonged to him, and give to YAHWEH. what belonged YAHWEH.This answer disappointed those who followed the Zealots.
JESUS was not very popular with the Priests or the authorities. They were terrified by the rebellious spirit, they had to maintain good relations with the ruling Romans. If revolt broke out, the Romans would hold them responsible for not keeping the people under control. They were afraid that JESUS might provoke an outburst that would bring the Romans down on them and on the city. The religious leaders were alarmed when the people showed enthusiasm when JESUS entered Jerusalem on a donkey, also when He showed authority when He cleared the temple of traders and moneychangers. This was a "PROPHETIC ACTION" of the great prophets of Israel. The prophets vision of the temple, "MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS." Read Is 56:7.But any attempt to make it measure up to reality would be a threat to the priestly privileges.
JESUS' action was disturbing about the destruction of the temple. The religious leaders saw a possibility of an uprising among the people. They decided to arrest JESUS as soon as possible. The opportunity came when one of the twelve, Judas Iscariot, offered to deliver JESUS into their hands without the risk of a public disturbance. Arrested on Passover eve, JESUS was brought first before a Jewish court of inquiry, over which the high priest Caiaphas presided. They attempted to convict Him of being a threat to the temple. Protection of the sanctity of the temple was the one area in which the Romans still allowed the Jewish leaders to exercise authority, but this attempt failed. They said that JESUS claimed He was the "MESSIAH." JESUS accepted their charge. This gave the religious leaders a reason to hand Him over to Pilate on a charge of treason and sedition.While "MESSIAH" was primarily a religious title, it could be translated into political terms as "
KING OF THE JEWS." Anyone who claimed to be king of the Jews, as JESUS admitted He did, presented a challenge to be the Roman Emperor's rule in Judea. Because of JESUS' works of healing and His Father's word to the poor, the way of service. JESUS set examples, choosing to give service instead of receiving it. The death and resurrection of JESUS on the third day showed His disciples He was alive after His suffering. Read Acts 1:3. Also brought liberation and blessing to many more than could be touched by JESUS' brief ministry in Galilee and Judea. The way of the kingdom, the ethical teaching of JESUS, was part of His proclamation of the kingdom of YAHWEH.. When JESUS announced that the kingdom of YAHWEH. was drawing near, many that heard Him recognized what was in the book of Daniel that prophecies that one day "THE YAHWEH. OF HEAVEN WILL SET UP A KINGDOM WHICH SHALL NEVER BE DESTROYED."Read
Daniel 2:44. What will YAHWEH. kingdom be like? He will be like what JESUS ' teaches the four gospels as the revelation of "GOD'S HEART." JESUS called Him "FATHER" in Hebrew means "ABBA." Read Mark 14:36. JESUS used the term "ABBA" to expressed His deep love and nearness to YAHWEH. and His total trust in Him, like the trust that children show their earthly fathers who provide them with food, clothes, and a place to live. JESUS' trust is expressed in the "LORD PRAYER," JESUS' disciples were taught to pray for the fulfillment of GOD'S eternal purpose "THE COMING OF HIS KINGDOM" and to ask Him for daily bread, forgiveness of sins and deliverance from temptation. The "SERMON ON THE MOUNT" which was addressed to His disciples showed how those who were already children of the kingdom a good way to live. JESUS not only taught the law, of Moses but He gave it new life.He did not impose a new set of laws. He set up a way of life for His followers. Read
Matt 5:17-19. JESUS taught that the process which leads to murder begins at the thought of murder, so "WHOSOEVER IS ANGRY WITH HIS BROTHER SHALL BE IN DANGER OF THE JUDGMENT." But He was careful to point out that the judgment is YAHWEH'S. not mans. The seventh commandment which forbade adultery, JESUS taught that "WHOEVER LOOKS AT A WOMAN TO LUST FOR HER HAS ALREADY COMMITTED ADULTERY WITH HER IN HIS HEARTS." Read Matt 5:28 JESUS also taught that it was better to be a giver than a taker, there is more to life than material possessions, that wealth is a hindrance to one's spiritual life.Read
Luke 6:29. JESUS said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom YAHWEH. JESUS came to earth to be a example, for not only the disciples but for all of the people of the world. Read Mark 10:25. The Son of man was JESUS' favorite way of referring to himself. JESUS applied this title to himself in three distinct ways; first, He used the title in a general way, a good example of this took place where John the Baptist did not eat bread or drink wine, but the Son of man, who "HAS COME EATING AND DRINKING." And another example is the statement that "THE SON OF MAN HAS NOWHERE TO LAY HIS HEAD." He warned His disciples that those who wanted to follow Him must expect to live homeless like Him.Second
, JESUS used the title to emphasize that "THE SON OF MAN MUST SUFFER." Read Mark 8:31 He must suffer many things and be treated with contempt even one who would be His betrayer to His captors the scriptures must be fulfilled. Finally, JESUS used the title Son of man to refer to Himself as the one who has authority delegated to Him by GOD. "THE SON HAS POWER ON EARTH TO FORGIVE SINS." Only once in the gospels was JESUS referred to as the Son of man by anyone other than Himself. This occurred when Stephen, condemned by the Jewish Sanhedrin, saw "THE SON OF MAN STANDING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD."Read
Mark 16:19. JESUS was from the family of David. He was chosen as the Messiah of David's line, both before His birth and after His resurrection. But He Himself took along time to make messianic claims. The reason for this is that the ideals associated with the Messiah in the minds of the Jewish people were quite different from the character and purpose of His ministry. Thus, He refused to give many support. At Caesarea Philippi, Peter proclaimed JESUS to be the Messiah, but JESUS told Peter and the rest of His disciples to tell no one that He was the CHRIST. Until after His death and resurrection but after He rose up from the grave, His Messiahship among His followers was transformed by what He was and did. Then He could safely be called the Messiah, GOD'S anointed king, resurrected in glory to occupy the throne of the universe.JESUS
was seen by all of heaven and those that lived in and out as "THE SON OF YAHWEH. AT HIS BAPTISM." Read Mark 1:11. JESUS was the perfect revelation of the Father to the human race. In the New Testament JESUS is portrayed as the personal wisdom of YAHWEH. the one through whom all things were created. The angel Gabriel is one on all that is in heaven that gives the title "SON OF YAHWEH. " The gospel of John makes it clear that the Father-Son relationship belongs to eternity that the Son is supremely qualified to reveal the Father because He has His eternal being "IN THE BOSOM OF THE FATHER." Read John 1:1-18. "JESUS IS LORD" only the HOLY SPIRIT can say that JESUS is LORD, so the HOLY SPIRIT is the one that tells the Christian. Sometimes the title was used of Him in the third person, when the disciples and others spoke of Him as the LORD or Master. After His resurrection and exaltation, however, JESUS was given the title "LORD" in its full, Christological sense.In Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, Peter, let all the house of Israel know that
YAHWEH. has made JESUS, whom you crucified, both LORD and CHRIST. the title "LORD" was given to JESUS before the church moved out into the gentile world. "THE NAME WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY NAME" the title "LORD," is the highest word that YAHWEH. can give His Son JESUS. YAHWEH. has exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name. At the name of JESUS every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST is past of YAHWEH.. In the New Testament He was called YAHWEH. in the flesh, and still is called YAHWEH. "THEN NOW AND FOREVER WILL BE YAHWEH.." The finished work of CHRIST, is the atonement or redemption for all of the people of the world.Who would accept His drying on the cross. His death on the cross was so perfect in itself that it requires neither repetition nor addition. Because of this work, He is called
"SAVIOR OF THE WORLD" and "THE LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD." Read John 1:29 JESUS' presence with YAHWEH. as His people's representative gives His people the assurance that their prayers for spiritual help are heard and granted. During His earthly ministry, JESUS declared that He had even greater works to do in the future. Two of His greater works are to raise the dead and the passing of final judgment. It was YAHWEH. who gave this work to His Son to do. Those who were spiritually dead would receive new life when they come to the Son through faith passing judgment on themselves as they accepted or rejected the life which he offered. YAHWEH. finished work will not be completed until the day of YAHWEH. will be united in the entire universe.