The Holy Spirit is wholeness and is perfection and is free from all evil, and is the third person of the trinity. The HOLY SPIRIT is the power by which believers come to CHRIST and see with new eyes of faith He is closer to us than we are to ourselves He is the one through whom all else is seen in a new light. It is through the eyes of the Holy Spirit that the Father Son relationship is viewed the Holy Spirit is the power by which christians are brought to faith and helped to understand their walk with YAHWEH. The HOLY SPIRIT gives us a new birth; JESUS said "that which is born of flesh is flesh. And that which is born of the spirit is spirit. " The spirit gives us life, the Holy Spirit is our helper whom JESUS promised to the disciples after His ascension. The Father Son, and HOLY SPIRIT are unified in ministering to believers. It is through the Spirit that Father and Son abide with the disciples the trinity is also seen as the spirit He brings the world under conviction of sin. Righteousness, and judgment from the Father and Son. The Son says what He hears from the Father the Father witnesses to and glorifies the Son. The Father and Son honor the HOLY SPIRIT by commissioning Him to speak in their name the Holy Spirit honors the Father and Son by helping the community of believers.

The HOLY SPIRIT prepares the way for the births of John the Baptist and JESUS, the Son of YAHWEH.. At the baptism of JESUS, the Spirit of YAHWEH. is present in the inauguration of the Son's ministry. JESUS refers to the Spirit of YAHWEH. as the power by which He can cast out demons. There by He can go into hell and free those held captive. YAHWEH'S. Kingdom is not only the reign of the sun but also the reign of the Spirit, as all share in the reign of the Father . The baptism with the Holy Spirit is the pouring out of the Spirit's power in missions and evangelism. Those who hear of the finished work of YAHWEH. In JESUS death and resurrection repent of their sins. They receive the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT becoming witnesses of JESUS WHO IS GOD grace through the HOLY SPIRIT. The HOLY SPIRIT confesses that JESUS is GOD. The giver of many gifts in the body of CHRIST to ensure it's richness and unity. The HOLY SPIRIT is the way to JESUS and to the Father, He is the person who bears witness to us that we are children of YAHWEH.. The HOLY SPIRIT also reveals to Christians the mystery of YAHWEH'S. work and of His Son JESUS CHRIST. The HOLY SPIRIT acts with YAHWEH. and CHRIST as the guarantee by which believers are sealed for the day of salvation, and by which they walk and live and abound in hope with power.

The HOLY SPIRIT work in the Old Testament in preparation for the coming of CHRIST is all explained through out the Old Testament. The Spirit is the energy of YAHWEH. in creation JESUS endows man with personal life by breathing into his nostril's In the Old Testament prophecy the Spirit plays a prominent role. David declared the Spirit of the LORD spoke by me, and His word was on my tongue.

Footnote of the HOLY SPIRIT The HOLY SPIRIT is the mirror and the glory of YAHWEH. and His Son JESUS CHRIST and His glory is the fruits, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness and self-control.

[JOHN 14:16-20][ JOHN 15:26][JOHN 12:49-50][JOHN 8:16-18-50-51][MATT 1:20][LUKE 1:15-36-41][MAT 3:16-17][MARK 1:9-11][ROM 8:26-27]. This is just some of the verses you can look up about the HOLY SPIRIT. There are many more.