1. A candidate who obtains an overall grade "A" or "B" in the Postgraduate Diploma Course (Dip.Ger.), is eligible to register for a Master's degree in Gerontology and Geriatrics (M.Ger.).
  2. In such case the student shall be required to register not later than five years from the publication of the final results of the Postgraduate Diploma Course.
  3. To be able to register for the Master's Degree, a candidate must submit a Dissertation Proposal which must include: the proposed title of his/her thesis, an outline of the research to be carried out including, among others, hypothesis, methodology, time frame, bibliography.
  4. The Dissertation Proposal is to be approved by the Board.
  5. The Board shall nominate a supervisor for every candidate. In the case of a candidate who is not residing in Malta and who opts to perform his/her research project in his/her respective country, the Board  will nominate two supervisors, one from the candidate's own country and one from the University of Malta. The names of the proposed supervisors will be submitted for the approval of Senate.
  6. The supervisor shall require the candidate to report to him at least once a term and in addition as often as he deems necessary. He may refer to the Board a candidate whose work he considers unsatisfactory and shall refer for the Board's approval, any substantial modification in the title of the projected dissertation.
  7. The dissertation, shall contain the results of the research carried out, a critical review of the relevant literature and a critical discussion of the results.
  8. The dissertation shall not exceed 50,000 words
  9. The Board may allow a candidate to perform or complete the research project and writing of the dissertation in his/her respective country, provided that the Board is satisfied that adequate supervision is available and that regular contact is kept with the supervisors appointed by the University of Malta according to Clause 5.
  10. A candidate must submit his/her dissertation not later  than eighteen (18) months (in the case of full-time) or thirty-six (36) months (in the case of part-time) from the date of acceptance of its title by the Board.
  11. The Board may extend such periods for a further period of six months (in the case of a full-time candidate) or twelve months in the case of part-time candidates).
  12. The dissertation shall be examined by an examining board, appointed by Senate, consisting of at least three examiners, one of whom shall normally be an external examiner from another University.
  13. A candidate shall also normally be required to take a "viva voce" examination to defend his/her dissertation.
  14. No dissertation shall be accepted which is identical in substance to a dissertation already submitted for a degree in this or any other University.
  15. A candidate whose dissertation is found unsatisfactory may be allowed by the Board, on the recommendation of the examiners, to re-submit it in revised form within a period not exceeding one year from the day on which it is referred back to the candidate.
  16. The Master's Degree shall be awarded in one of the following categories: "Passed with Distinction", or "Passed".
  17. The Final Result shall take into account the merits of  the dissertation and the "viva voce" examination thereof.

      The dissertation shall meet the following specifications:
(a) Paper Size:  International Standard Size A4.
(b) Typing:  Double spacing for the main text.
          Single spacing for footnotes.
          Single spacing may also be used for long quotations in the main text.
          Left-hand margin of 1.5".
          Top and right-hand margin of 0.5"
          A top margin of 2" to be left on the first page of every division i.e. chapters, bibliography, etc.
          Footnote/s should appear at the bottom of the relevant page or after every chapter.
(c) Pagination: The main text, including the introduction (if any) and any appendices of the
dissertation, shall have Arabic numerals.
The title page, dedication (if any), preface,acknowledgements, table of contents, bibliography,etc., preceding the main text shall have Roman numerals.
(d) Binding: Four unbound copies of the dissertation shall be submitted.
  After a successful defence, three copies of the dissertation, as approved by the Board of Examiners, shall be sewn and bound in cloth (preferably black) with stiff boards with lettering (preferably in gold) on the front and spine showing:

(e) Layout of title page: Title of dissertation and subtitle, if any, followed by the name of the candidate, the subject, and the date of submission; e.g. "A dissertation presented to the Institute of
Gerontology in the University of Malta for the Master's degree", followed by month and year of submission.