I had set a goal this year of producing three letters. However March was a crazy one in our house with home renovations. Like so many jobs it started out with a simple job of repairing some floors in our basement. We then discovered a crack in our foundation and some frayed wiring underneath one of the floors. We found out that our oil tank is ready to give out and our furnace is over forty years old and that our electrical wiring is hopelessly out of date.
Domestic chores have kept me busy and away from some of the things I wanted to do for the club. I thank club members for their patience, and offers of assistance. These are the kinds of things that make Flin Flon #2065 a special club to me.
I want to thank my wife Glenda Walker-Hobbs for her assistance with this newsletter and for her technical expertise in posting it to the web.
On behalf of the Club, I would like to extend appreciation to Harry Hobbs for the creation of this fine Newsletter. As always, Harry lends an abundant supply of enthusiastic support for the Club in its endeavors.
A special thank you to the members of the Club executive who have worked so diligently as a team this year: Bob Frazer, Barb Corden, Michelle Simpson, Harry Hobbs, Doreen Beardy, and Barb Lyons. Without the commitment from these members, the Club would not have accomplished the objectives that were set out at the beginning of the year. It has been a pleasure serving as President with the support of the Executive. I encourage anyone in the Club to assume this position for the upcoming year!
The air was tense with excitement as Toastmasters Bob Frazer and Bernie Lynn squared off for the honour of being the best speaker of Club #2065. Harry Hobbs was Toastmaster for the meeting. Toastmaster Lynn spoke about his involvement in CASARA while Bob Frazer gave an informative talk on Canada’s ailing health care system. Our Area Governor Rob Kozak served as chief judge and was ably assisted by Barb Lyons, Gloria King and Michelle Simpson. At the end of the contest. Toastmaster Bob Frazer was declared the winner. Thanks to Rob for making the trip from The Pas and helping make this night a memorable one.
April 6, 2002 was an important one for our club as Flin Flon Toastmasters hosted the Area 33 Speech Contest in the Council Chambers of Flin Flon City Hall. This was the first time our club has hosted an event of this nature since 1993. Kelsey Trail and Thompson sent two contestants while Bob Frazer represented our club. We were particularly pleased to have Rob Kozak our Area Governor from The Pas in attendance. Rob served ably as Toastmaster of the Meeting. Gerry Dyck, our Division C Lt. Governor from Brandon acted as chief judge. First place honours went to Paul Therrian from Thompson, second place to Linda Madarash from Kelsey Trail and third to Barb Parker from Kelsey Trail. Paul and Linda will both be eligible to speak at the Division C contest to be held in Winkler on April 27.
We really appreciate the effort that Gerry made to come to Flin Flon to help put on this event.
After the contest the speakers and invited guests adjourned to Mr. Ribs for dinner and fellowship.
Congratulations to all the contestants for a very entertaining contest and thanks to Gloria, Harry and Barb Lyons for their excellent job of organizing this event. A special thanks to timer Penny Argo and to Glenda Walker-Hobbs for pitching in and helping out.
Congratulations to Toastmaster Barb Braaten on achieving her CTM and to Bernie Lynn on getting his CL. Your dedication and hard work is an example to us all.
March 26,, 2002 was a special evening for our club. Kim Ballard, Angela Ballard, Samara Whitbread and Erin Harper from the local 4-H club attended our meeting along with their leader Janice Ballard These students presented the speeches they would be giving at their public speaking competition on April 13 in Portage. Toastmaster Barbara Braaten ably chaired this evening. Our club was treated to some very fine speeches from the 4H students who all exhibited excellent communication skills. Members of our club gave the students feedback on their presentations.
Toastmaster Barbara Corden gave a manual speech in which she enlightened the audience on Jump Rope For Heart and other reasons why young people should be concerned about a healthy heart.
Leader Janice Ballard was very pleased with the student’s performance in Portage and noted that even at this level of competition that speakers received higher marks if they did not use notes. This is the same observation that was made at our Area Speech Contest.
On February 12, 2002 Flin Flon Toastmasters held our annual guest night. Four guests attended as well as Jonathan Naylor from the Flin Flon Reminder. Bob Frazer ably served as Toastmaster for the Meeting while Toastmaster Hobbs provided Table Topics. The guests were treated to an informative evening ((including snacks and a specially designed Toastmasters cake) and learned about what goes on in a Toastmasters meeting.
Club #2065 extends a warm Toastmasters welcome to Janet Modler, the newest member of our Toastmasters family.
April is National Poetry Month in Canada. Flin Flon Toastmasters in conjunction with the Flin Flon Writers Guild and the Flin Flon Public Library is co-hosting an evening to celebrate Canadian poetry on Thursday April 25th. Mayor Dennis Ballard as well as other community representatives will be reading the works of Canadian poets while local poets and members of the Writers Guild will be reading their own works.
If time permits at the end of the scheduled reading there will be an “open mic” when. members of the audience will be invited to participate. Toastmaster Bob Frazer will be the emcee for the evening.
Our local event is part of events across Canada and the United States being held to celebrate National Poetry Month. Our club has already received recognition for co-sponsoring this event in T-Zero Xpandine,an International e-zine with a readership of some 26,000 (http://thewritersezine.com/t-zero/archives/2002-texts/2002-03-poetics.shtml) and in a write-up done by the League of Canadian Poets (http://www.poets.ca/linktext/npm2001/npmcal.htm). Our club should feel proud of its involvement in this community event.
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Bob Crerar after a long battle with cancer. Bob was the son of Toastmaster Mary Crerar and Toastmaster Bob Frazer’s brother-in-law. We extend our sincerest condolences to the entire Crerar family.
To paraphrase the late John Kennedy: ask not what your club can do for you; ask what you can do for your club. A nominating committee of Toastmasters King, Hobbs, Frazer and Lyons has been struck to approach members about serving on the executive for the 2002-2003 year. All members are asked to give serious thought to letting their names stand for one of the executive positions. Serving on the executive allows you to grow and learn new skills while assisting our club to remain strong. It is a win-win situation. If you are interested in serving on the executive and have not been contacted please speak to any member of the nominating committee.
Just two regular meetings remain until we hold our spring windup. It is hoped that we will have a good attendance at these meetings and that members will take advantage of the opportunity to continue to work to improve their listening speaking and thinking skills.
Congratulations to Penny Argo and her husband Keith on the arrival of their first granddaughter.
Barb Corden received an unexpected fiftieth birthday surprise party from her family on April 20th. Friends and family gathered to wish Barb well as she enters her second half-century. Toastmasters Hobbs Frazer and King attended the event and President Gloria King brought greetings for the club.
Our Toastmasters demonstrated they are a multi-talented group. Toastmasters Hobbs and Frazer sang two karaoke duets while the #2065 Toastmasters Trio consisting of Toastmasters Frazer Hobbs and King made their singing debut dedicating a song to Barb.
A great time was had by all. Again congratulations to Barb on reaching this milestone in her life.
Toastmaster Joni Hansen continues to show that she is as talented a singer as she is a speaker. Joni has been performing with her sisters and also will be appearing in the community musical production of The Titanic: the Musical.
Toastmaster Bob Frazer continues his traveling ways. Bob had a trip to Mexico in November and has just returned from a trip to Vernon BC.
Harry and Glenda Hobbs will be traveling to Vancouver in May to participate in the second International Poetry reading held by members of Writers Village University. This gathering will bring together poets from Canada the United States and the Philippines. Toastmaster Hobbs has been asked to be emcee for the gathering.
A special note of thanks to Barb Lyons for the excellent job she did of organizing our supplies this year. It has been a treat to be able to go to meetings and be able to find things quickly and easily.
Copyright ©2002