Article One
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the Florida Junior Classical
Section 2.
The objectives of this organization shall be to enhance and promote
the appreciation of the classics, and culturally enrich both the subscribers
hereto and the community, as well as govern inter chapter affairs on a
statewide level.
Section 3.
This organization shall represent the National Junior Classical League
in the State of Florida, and the authority of its constitution and the
adjuncts thereto is hereby recognized as the basis for the administration
of League affairs.
Section 4.
The provisions included in the current edition of Robert's Rules of
Order shall govern the proceedings hereunder in all cases to which they
may be applicable, not being inconsistent with the provision of the policies
and/or regulations of any administrative or governmental entity exercising
jurisdiction over this organization, or with this constitution or any bylaw
adopted by the league.
Section 5.
The activities of this organization shall be regulated by the determination
of the Florida High School Activities Association. (1981)
Section 6.
The state emblem of this organization shall be a map of Florida offset
to the right slightly with FJCL inscribed beside it. Both of these shall
be totally encircled by a wreath of laurel leaves with the exception of
a small open space at the top of the circle. (1986)
Article Two
Section 1.
Any member of the National Junior Classical League studying classical
language and/or with a sincere interest in the classics, shall be eligible
for membership in this organization. (1984)
Section 2.
Any local chapter of the National Junior Classical League established
in the State of Florida shall become a local chapter of this organization
upon proper registration with the treasurer.
Section 3.
Any member-at-large of the National Junior Classical League established
in the State of Florida shall become a member-at-large of this organization
upon proper registration with the treasurer, provided that no student attending
a school with a local chapter already established shall acquire such membership,
and the members-at-large shall be considered as one chapter for electoral
Section 4.
The Board of Directors shall set the annual dues, upon payment of which
each local chapter and members-at-large shall enjoy the privileges and
rights of membership throughout that year. (1982, 1987)
Article Three
Section 1.
The officers will be a president, vice-president, recording secretary,
corresponding secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian, historian, and editor-in-chief
of the state newspaper.
Section 2.
The elected officers' terms shall commence at the conclusion of the
state convention and the appointed officers at the conclusion of the national
convention, and expire on the corresponding date in the following year.
Section 3.
No chapter shall be represented by more than two officers selected
for the same public school term.
Section 4.
Each officer will be in good standing with his school at the time of
his election/appointment/confirmation and must remain in good standing
with his/her school throughout his/her term of office; and at the start
of his/her term of office will have completed one year of a classical language,
if possible. In addition, all candidates for FJCL office must have previously
attended a Florida Junior Classical League Forum or a National Junior Classical
League Convention. (1980, 1987, 1993, 1994)
Section 5.
No person shall be eligible as a candidate who, at the time of his
election, shall have exceeded the eleventh grade.
Section 6.
The officers elected at the business meeting of the State Latin Forum
will be the president, vice-president, recording secretary, parliamentarian,
and historian. (1991)
Section 7.
Delegates will have an opportunity to view scrapbooks of candidates
for the office of historian sometime during the State Latin Forum. (1994)
Section 8.
The treasurer and corresponding secretary will be appointed by and
from the chapter(s) which host the State Latin Forum for that year.
Section 9.
The editor-in-chief of the state newspaper will be appointed by and
from the chapter which publishes the newspaper.
Section 10.
All officers of this organization will comprise the Board of Directors
with the president of this organization serving as its chairman.
Section 11.
Any member of the Florida Junior Classical LEague wishing to run for
an office of the National Junior Classical League must be present at the
State Latin Forum immediately preceding the national convention at which
the member is to run. This member must be confirmed by the majority of
voting delegates to be allowed to run for NJCL office. The member may,
at his discretion, engage in any campaign activity allowed for State office
candidates. Should an emergency allow a candidate to be nominated at the
national convention, this section may be suspended by a majority of the
Florida delegates present at the national convention. (1985)
Article Four
Duties of Officers
Section 1.
It will be the duties of the president to preside and preserve order
at all general assemblies, business meetings, officers' meetings and National
Junior Classical League Convention state fellowships and caucuses, to represent
the organization at all public occasions, to appoint all necessary committees
and to serve as an ex officio member of all committees, to appoint the
chapter that will be responsible for the publishing the state newspaper,
to confirm the appointments of the treasurer, corresponding secretary and
editor-in-chief for the state newspaper and to serve as the chairman of
the Board of Directors. (1980, 1982, 1991)
Section 2.
It will be the duties of the vice-president to chair all standing committees
and to perform the duties of the president in the event of his absence.
If the president is removed, the vice-president will be the president.
Section 3.
It will be the duties of the recording secretary to record and keep
a permanent record of the minutes of the fall planning meeting, the business
meeting and the general assemblies of the State Latin Forum and all other
officers' meetings and to submit a copy of the minutes to the vice-president
of the Classical Association of Florida within four weeks of each meeting.
(1980, 1989, 1991)
Section 4.
It will be the duty of the corresponding secretary to conduct the correspondence
of this organization.
Section 5.
It will be the duties of the treasurer to receive and disburse funds
and to keep a record of all financial transactions.
Section 6.
It will be the duties of the parliamentarian to interpret the constitution,
as necessary and proper, and to submit in writing the rationale for interpretations
to the president of this organization and the vice-president of the Classical
Association of Florida. (1977, 1982, 1991)
Section 7
It will be the duty of the editor-in-chief to be responsible for publishing
the state newspaper (1977)
Section 8
It will be the duties of the historian to create and maintain the state
scrapbook for display at the State Latin Forum and competition at the National
Junior Classical League Convention. (1980)
Section 9
It will be the duty of the Board of Directors and the host chapter(s),
with the aid of the Board of Advisors, to plan the State Latin Forum.
Section 10
It will be the duties of the president of this organization and the
vice-president of the Classical Association of Florida to compile the agenda
for the business meeting of the State Latin Forum and to publish and distribute
this material to reach the voting delegates of each chapter at least three
weeks before the State Latin Forum. (1980)
Article Five
Board of Advisors
A Board of Advisors, consisting of the officers of the Classical Association of Florida and the last year's State Latin Forum sponsor(s), will serve as advisors to this organization.
Article Six
Section 1.
The amount of the debt of this organization will never exceed its anticipated
Section 2.
A registration fee, which will be set by the sponsor(s) of the State
Latin Forum and Board of Advisors, will be charged for the State Latin
Forum. This registration will cover all costs of the State Latin Forum.
Section 3.
No expense account will be accepted until a detailed report of these
expenses is presented at the business meeting of the State Latin Forum.
Section 4.
Reimbursement of funds spent by all officers shall take place after
a detailed report has been sent to the treasurer and has been approved
by the officers' sponsor, the vice-president of the Classical Association
of Florida. The expenses of the vice-president of the Classical Association
of Florida will be reimbursed upon the approval of the Board of Advisors.
(1979, 1982, 1991)
Section 5.
This organization will pay the Florida Junior Classical League President's
registration expenses to the National Junior Classical League Convention.
In addition, all other FJCL officers will have 40% of their NJCL registration
paid. If the president is unable to attend the NJCL Convention, then the
vice president or an alternate officer shall fulfill the president's responsibilities
and will be compensated the full NJCL registration expense. (1980, 1981,
Section 6.
This organization will pay the State Chairman's registration, planning,
and one-half of his travel expenses for the National Junior Classical League
Convention. (1980, 1981)
Section 7.
The state officers will be reimbursed for certain expenses at the fall
planning meeting and other officers' meetings. The treasury will pay fifteen
cents per mile for transportation if the officer is unable to ride in his
sponsor's car; a set price for food, to be decided upon by those present
at the meeting depending upon the expense of motel accommodations when
he is unable to stay in a private home, will also be paid. (1980, 1982,
Section 8.
The vice-president of the Classical Association of Florida will be
reimbursed for certain expenses when meeting with the officers of this
organization. The treasury will pay fifteen cents per mile for transportation;
a set price for food, not to exceed five dollars per meal and expenses
for motel accommodations when he is unable to stay in a private home, will
also be paid. (1982, 1986)
Section 9.
The host chapter(s) will present a budge to the State Forum Planning
Committee and the state officers at the fall planning; a detailed financial
statement will be presented by the host chapter(s) to all Florida Junior
Classical League chapters through the state newspaper by June 1. (1977,
Section 10.
This organization will subsidize the cost of the publication of the
state newspaper and will send four copies to each school chapter. (1992)
Section 11.
There shall be a biennially awarded teacher tracel scholarship of one
thousand dollars, known as the Geraldine Hodges Scholarship. When funds
are not available, the existing funds will be retained in the treasury
to accumulate. (1980, 1981, 1984)
Section 12.
There will be two annually awarded student scholarships, called the
Vivia Craig Scholarships, each not to exceed six hundred fifty dollars.
These scholarships will be awarded by the Scholarship Committee of the
Classical Association of Florida. (1984)
Section 13.
The Florida Junior Classical League shall allot a sum, not exceeding
five hundred dollars per year, to gather and train an upper and lower division
certamen team to compete at the national convention. These funds shall
be used for the purpose of providing lodging for all interested members.
Section 14.
Any FJCL delegate receiving two firsts in State Latin Forum academic
or creative competition will receive a cash award. The amount will be determined
by the number of firsts; the total amount to be spent of these cash awards
not to exceed $500.00. (1993)
Section 15.
In the event that the Florida Junior Classical League ceases to exist
as an organization, any funds remaining after all obligations have been
paid will be sent to the National Junior Classical League for use as college
scholarships for Florida Latin Students. (1987, 1993)
Article Seven
Section 1.
The State of Florida shall be divided into regions suitable for holding
area meetings. (1993)
Section 2.
The officers will hold a meeting in the fall when the State Forum Planning
Committee meets. (1986)
Section 3.
A meeting, called the State Latin Forum, will be held annually.
Section 4.
A host chapter(s) shall be defined as any chapter or chapters whose
sponsors and members are to be responsible for preparation and coordination
of the State Latin Forum. These sponsors shall be called the State Forum
Planning Committee and will advise the Board of Directors. The host chapter(s)
of the forthcoming State Latin Forum will decide, with the president of
this organization, the time of the State Latin Forum. This will be entered
on the principals' calendar for the coming year. (1987)
Section 5.
The host chapter(s) will have the authority to set up rules governing
the State Latin Forum.
Section 6.
The retiring and new officers will have a meeting on the last day of
the State Latin Forum.
Section 7.
A meeting of the Board of Directors may be called on notice of two
weeks either by the president of the Board of Advisors or by the chairman
of the Board of Directors. (1977)
Article Eight
Section 1.
Each candidate for office shall submit a declaration of candidacy to
the parliamentarian, postmarked not later than six weeks before the state
convention, which shall include his affirmation of candidacy for the office
which he will be seeking, eligibility, and intent to serve if elected,
and the signed approval of his principal, sponsor, and legal guardian.
(1982, 1992)
Section 2.
Each chapter will be entitled to send three voting delegates to the
State Latin Forum. The power to vote will be vested solely in these delegates.
Secret ballots will be used exclusively in this vote.
Section 3.
The president of this organization will appoint a tally committee with
officers of the Classical Association of Florida as election judges.
Section 4.
All candidates for office shall be present at the business meeting
of the State Latin Forum but will have no vote unless they are voting delegates.
Section 5.
Campaign expenditures shall not exceed twenty-five dollars, with the
receipts thereof being submitted to the vice-president of the Classical
Association of Florida; any discounted or donated items shall be counted
at full value for the purpose of determining expenditures. (1981, 1991)
Section 6.
The president, vice-president, and recording secretary will be elected
by a simple majority of the voting delegates to the State Latin Forum.
Section 7.
The Board of Directors will, by appointment, fill any vacancies that
occur in elective offices with the exception of the presidency. (Refer
to Article Four, Section 2)
Section 8.
Each officer, upon installation, shall affirm:
"I, (name), do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the duties
of the office of (office) of the Florida Junior Classical League; will
diligently work to serve the best interests of the league; and will defend,
protect, and uphold its constitution, to the best of my ability."
However, absence from the installation ceremony shall not prevent any
legitimately elected, duly qualified officer from assumption of the duties
of his office. (1981)
Section 9.
In the event that there should be no State Latin Forum, the president
of this organization in conjunction with the vice-president of the Classical
Association of Florida shall provide for the election of officers by mail-in
ballot. (1981, 1991)
Section 10.
If there is one of no candidate for an elected office, nominations
for the office will be accepted at the first meeting for voting delegates.
Article Nine
Section 1.
Whenever two state officers, or the executive officers representing
five local chapters, should transmit a petition for the impeachment of
any officer to the vice-president of the Classical Association of Florida,
he shall then notify the accused and initiate impeachment proceedings within
two weeks. (1991)
Section 2.
The petition shall specify charges based on the following classes of
A. abuse of office;
B. hampering this organization of any of its agencies in its legitimate
C. official negligence;
D. violation of this constitution, its bylaws, or convention rules;
E. any behavior unbecoming an officer. (1994)
Section 3.
The charges shall be distributed to every officer by the vice-president
of the Classical Association of Florida, who shall guarantee the right
of the accused to an adequate defense. No conviction may occur until the
vice-president of the Classical Association of Florida should be satisfied
that adequate defense has been made. (1991)
Section 4.
The Board of Directors shall try the accused, whose privileges as a
member shall be suspended for that meeting. A two-thirds majority vote
by secret ballot shall be required for conviction, in which case the accused
shall immediately relinquish his office.
Section 5.
The dismissal of an officer for any reason must be accompanied by the
reasons for dismissal, submitted in writing to the president of this organization
and the vice-president of the Classical Association of Florida. (1981,
Article Ten
Section 1.
This constitution and its bylaws may be amended at any business meeting
of this organization held at the State Latin Forum by a two-thirds vote
of the voting delegates present. These amendments will take effect at the
close of the business meeting.
Section 2.
In the event that there should be no State Latin Forum, the parliamentarian
of this organization shall provide for the voting on amendments to this
constitution by mail-in ballot. (1982)
Section 3.
All further amendments to this constitution and its bylaws will be
dated. (1977)
Article Eleven
This constitution will go into effect as soon as two-thirds of the voting delegates of this organization have ratified it.
Section 1.
The sponsors of this organization will have no vote in pending matters
but may enter into discussion.
Section 2.
Duplicates of all official correspondence of this organization will
be sent to the vice-president of the Classical Association of Florida.
Section 3.
The invocation and benediction of each general assembly of this organization
will be given by individuals to be chosen previous to the State Latin Forum
by the president of this organization. (1979)
Section 4.
In the event of a violation of State Latin Forum rules, a disciplinary
board shall be formed. It shall consist of the sponsor(s) of the host chapter(s),
the president and vice-president of the Classical Association of Florida,
the State Chairman, and the president of this organization. If the offender
is from the same chapter as one of the board, that member shall be replaced
by another officer of this organization. The offender and his sponsor shall
be summoned promptly to appear before the board. Punishment of the offender
shall be determined by the board after reviewing all the evidence presented.
The principal of the offender's school shall be notified of these proceedings.
(1981, 1991)
As amended
Effective April, 1994