(A scene from "Time to Kill" - from X-Files action figures "in Action" - see link below)
...and more!
A warm welcome from our favorite FBI Special Agents.
And an even warmer welcome!
Latest News: X-Files 2 Movie is scheduled to begin production December 10, 2007!
X-Files 2 Movie Release Date is set for July 25, 2008!
Glad you stopped by! This site has much to do with the X-Files action figures but is not limited to that alone. Actually, it is also intended to help you enjoy the whole X-Files experience. Yes, we all know that the series is over. But there are still many fans who still just can't enough of the X-Files. So it lives on!
As you roam around and see what's here, you may think of ways this site could be improved. I'd love to hear from you. Think about what you'd like to see added to this site and let me know.
(My email address at Shandango is not functioning. I will have to put another email address up here. So hopefully you'll be able to contact me soon.)
Be sure to click on the link found at the bottom of this page that takes you to your X-Files ideas. Let's make this an Interactive X-Files Website we can all participate in and enjoy!
But speaking of the X-Files action figures, what are we supposed to do with them? Just collect them? Some people buy them and never intend to open them. They want them to remain in mint condition on a mint card. (Their value decreases after opening them.) So they just sit there on a shelf. Valuable? Yes. But not too much fun.
So how can we enjoy these great-looking action figures? Well, you've come to the right place. Even if you don't open yours you can enjoy them by visiting here from time to time and checking out some of the new and interesting things that can be done with them. Even pictures of your very own X-Files action figure collection can be added to this site as well. Get ready for some fun! So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click away!
CLICK HERE to get a closer look at the X-Files action figure Flukeman released in October 2000.
CLICK HERE to get a closer look at the X-Files series 1 action figures
CLICK HERE for ideas on how to customize the X-Files action figures
CLICK HERE for ideas for new X-Files action figures
CLICK HERE to see some X-Files action figures "in action"
CLICK HERE to learn about me
CLICK HERE to see your X-Files ideas (this is the "...and more!")
CLICK HERE to see what is produced by Palisades Toys
CLICK HERE to see what is produced by Sideshow Collectibles
CLICK HERE to see an awesome replica of Mulder's basement office
CLICK HERE to go to links to other X-Files sites. (Let's exhange links!)
(By the way, updates on this site will be highly dependent upon your response. If you are enjoying this site and would like to see various updates, please email me and let me know. Just click here: tdmot@shadango.com
Disclaimer: This web site, its operator, and any content contained on this site relating to "The X-Files"
are not authorized by Fox. The use of all characters, episode info, and images on this page are NOT intended to infringe on any copyrights held by their respectful owners.