
Here are some awesome quotes I found from the show
Pacey: Look, it's a fact that a large percentage of older women are attracted to young
boys on the verge of manhood. It keeps them feeling young. I read it in Cosmopolitan.
Dawson: What are you doing reading Cosmopolitan?
Pacey: Look, I have three menstrually diverse sisters. Cosmo is my savior.
Dawson: I see you've met Roger Fullford.
Jen: Yeah, nice guy.
Dawson: Yeah. Jock quarterback by day, schizophrenic transvestite by night.
Jen: Oh really.
Dawson: Has what you call a Tori Spelling complex. He's partial to Victoria's Secret.
Jen: But can he run in pumps.
Grams: Where exactly are you going?
Jen: Well, Dawson has a gun, I thought we'd go knock off a liquor store, then go get
Jen: How about you Joey? Are you a virgin?
Joey: Please, years ago. Trucker named Bubba.
Joey: So, Jen, are you a size queen?
Jen: Excuse me?
Joey: Well, how important is size to you?
Dawson: Joey!
Jen: Well, being a virgin, I guess I haven't given it that much thought. How about yourself,
Joey: I'm torn....
Dawson: You and me, outside, now. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you!
Joey: What do you think, Dawson? Notice the long fingers.
"Man, video woman is my new English teacher, okay? You, me, the movies tonight. We are stalking
a faculty member." - Pacey
"I may just be fifteen, but I'm well beyond the age of accountability. Maybe not within the confines of
the judicial system, but for me." - Pacey
"Jo, let's assess. What have we learned from tonight's 90210 evening?" - Dawson
"I'm mad at the world Joey. I'm a teenager." -Dawson
"Oh Grams I forgot to tell you, the Lord sent a fax while you were out. Something about the
Armageddon." - Jen
"I'm already jealous of every guy who's ever been in your field of vision, who's known the smell of
your hair, who's held your body against his." - Pacey
"You're born and you die and you make a lot of mistakes in between." - Joey
"Did you know the cheerleaders are doing splits in the gymnasium? How am I supposed to play ball
with a distraction like that?" - Pacey
"It was a joke, man! I'm kidding! You can still beat me. Miracles happen all the time." - Pacey
"Well we can't all be like you Abby, having your little ecstasy gang bangs on the floor of the boy's
locker room." - Jen
"You know, this town is the absolute embodiment of dull. Apart from the occasional sex
scandal provided by yours truly, nothing happens here." -
"All right, Joe. Say good-bye to the nice serial rapist man." - Pacey
"Bite me Pacey"--Joey
"I was suprised and confused...and attracted. And you?" --Pacey
"Well, confused and suprised.."--Joey
"Joey, in the slim chance you would have kissed me, you would have been thinking of someone else
huh?" --Pacey
Joey: You did it again, you grabbed my ass.
Pacey: (waving it off) Like you even have one.
Joey: (sitting up) When I saw you going for Jen's hand...It's not like I wanted to be the one holding
your hand. (Dawson nods) I just didn't want her holding it.
"Those Oompa Loompa's grow up so fast."--Pacey
"You have the worst taste in women."--Joey to Pacey
"I'm the best sex you'll never have."--Pacey
Dawson: Have you talked to Joey?
Pacey: Not since our night of torid face-sucking
(Dawson gives him a look)
Pacey: What? Just kidding
Dawson: I changed my mind. I don't want you to do it
Pacey: Do what? You'll have to refresh my memory so we're on the same page here
Dawson: I don't want you to kiss Joey
Pacey: You seem all worked up about this dawson, i hate to break it to you, but your a little late.
Dawson: You did it. You kissed her?
Pacey: Not only did i kiss her, but she kissed me back, yep right there in the front seat of the Witter
family truck. We played tonsil hockey for about an hour. Then she invites me in, but it was getting
late. But she's cooking for me tomorrow night. She always said she wanted to cook for the right
man. Well, it looks as though she found him. Next week we're going to go to a little B&B up the
coast, you know, spend some "quality time'' together.
Dawson: your so full of it.
Pacey: Yes i am...and so are you.
Joey: I love this movie. This won the Oscar didn't it?
Dawson: "Ghandi." Spielberg got robbed.
Joey: Things change, Dawson. Evolve.
Joey: And I have breasts!
Dawson: What?
Joey: And you have genitalia!
Dawson: I've always had genitalia.
Joey: But there's more of it.
Dawson: How do you know?
Joey: Long fingers.
Dawson: I'm going to the dance.
Joey: What?
Dawson: I'm going to the dance.
Joey: What?
Dawson: It's my only recourse.
Joey: Why?
Dawson: 'Cause Jen is there.
Joey: In the arms of another man. I mean, why torture yourself?
Dawson: I'm an artist. Tortured is a prerequisite.
Pacey: I noticed you didn't hand me back my test. Does that mean you need to see me after class?
Tamara: It means you racked up another prime number on a quiz.
Pacey: Prime like quality steak is prime?
Tamara: Prime like 23 is prime.
Pacey: I got the girl this time, Dawson.
Dawson: What?
Pacey: Yeah. Call it the Law of Averages, call it an act of God, call it whatever you want, but I got
Dawson: Who?! Who?! Who'd you get Pacey?
Pacey: Oh man, uh, you know what Dawson, I don't know how to tell you this. But uh, the guy with
the brown hair and the throbbing neck muscles? The guy with Tamara Jacobs? Uh, that's…that's
Pacey: I just want it noted that I am here under complete duress.
Doug: Oh just stop your punk-ass whining.
Pacey: School's out today. It's my one chance to sleep in, catch up on my soaps, enjoy the storm.
Doug: Hey, Dad's orders.
Pacey: Dad's orders. You say that with such a lapdog enthusiasm.
Doug: You know I'm gonna kick your ass.
Pacey: Oh, you're so butch Dougey.
Doug: Oh, screw you.
Dawson: All right, so let me get this straight. Movie night has been reduced to the following: (to Jen)
You can't stay if she leaves because your grandmother wouldn't permit it. And you can't stay if she
stays because it's awkward.
Jen: Yeah.
Dawson: (to Joey) And you can't stay if she leaves because you feel like you've driven her away.
And you can't stay if she's here because it ruins Movie Night for you.
Joey: Well put.
Dawson: Well since this is my house and we assume that I can't go anywhere, according to my
calculations, that only leaves one option.
Jen and Joey: 'Night Dawson.
Joey: Guys are attracted to girls for totally superficial reasons. Yes, they are. They like girls from
New York with blonde hair and pouty lips and bony arms and big boobs.
Dawson: Jen does not have…bony arms.
Jen: Billy, what the hell are you doing here?
Billy: Is that how you greet the love of your love?
Jen: Look, I'm sorry. Ah, hello Billy, please leave.