Did Ya Know...

HeRe ArE sOmE tHiNgS u MaY nOt HaVe NoTiCeD iN tHe FiRsT SeAsOn!!
On the 47th and 48th minute of the first and second episode, Tamara and Pacey kissed.
The boat shown in almost every episode is called the "Prowler."
Bessie was not rowing the boat in "Look Who's Talking." It was being pulled by a rope.
In "The Breakfast Club", Jen and Pacey are supposed to kiss for 10 seconds, but they
actually kiss for 15 seconds. Joey and Dawson are supposed to kiss for 15 seconds but they
actually kiss for 26 seconds.
During the theme song, Dawson, Joey, Jen and Pacey are all wearing the same clothes that
they wore in the Pilot when they went to the movies.
Ever since Billy made fun of Dawson's ET doll, there has been a Jaws shark on Dawson's
bed instead.
Paula Cole's song "I Don't Want to Wait" was not supposed to be the original theme song for
Dawson's Creek. Alanis Morrisette's "Learn" was, but she didn't feel comfortable with having
her song on a TV show.
Almost all the show titles are also movie titles. (i.e. Look Who's Talking, Blown Away and Dirty Dancing.)
All the shows start in Dawson's bedroom and they (usually Dawson and Joey) are watching TV.
There are posters of "I Know What You Did Last Summer" in the video store, in Mr. Gold's classroom, and in Dawson's room.
The actors that play "Bodie" changed after the first episode.
That most of the characters only wore the same outfit once.
Also, "Bob's" character changed.
In Dirty Dancing, when Joey TRIES to say "The rewind on the remote of life doesn't
work," she actually says "The remote on the rewind of life..."
In the first episode Joey said don't have an anerism and that was the line in Scream
which of course you know was written by Kevin Williamson and also they trashed Tori
Spelling just like in Scream.
In the second episode, Dawons says, "I should be dancing with her, not some JCrew ad."
Meanwhile, he is a JCrew ad (January and March.)
In the first episode Nellie says to Pacey in the video store, "Did you send a
negative, disparaging remark my way?" that is almost the exact same thing Mrs.
Lumas says to Sidney in Scream II. "Was that a negative, disparaging, remark
towards my son?"
In the last episode (Breaking Away), in the first scene when Dawson and Joey are in
his bedroom..above his closet door is a street sign called Dawson St. There is an
actual Dawson St. in Wilmington, N.C. where the show is filmed!
In the pilot episode, Bessie looks under Joey's bed for her shirt but in later episodes,
Joey doesn't have a bed.
In the first episode when Dawson and Pacey are going to Dawson's after filming the
home movie, Pacey has a Polo shirt on and when they get inside Pacey has a
different shirt on.
In the first episode, Jen's grandmother wouldn't say "penis" but if she's a nurse, why
can't she say it?
In the first episode, Jen's Grams had bright redish-orange hair and bythe her next
appearance in another episode it was almost completely gray.
The beach in "I know what you did last summer" is called Dawson's Beach.
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