
i may sound really out of the ordinairey or just plain ironic but these things really bug me...

:::those thingers in mags that are made out of consrtuction
paper and make it so that the page flops back. i don't like that.:::

:::and yeah i kinda like pizza but what are those plastic doo hickies
in the middle of our pizza. i mean we just wanna eat the frickin pizza.:::

:::whats with glue. well it sticks pretty easy to other stuff. so why
doesnt it stick to the inside of the bottle. is it made to cheaply to do that function.:::

:::u know airplanes right. i do and they have floatation devices. why cant they have
parachutes in them. i think that would save many more lives. its like think for a minute.:::

:::u know how dentists always ask you questions with their hands in your mouth. the first time
its okay. but then it gets kinda annoying nodding your head. dont you
feel like chopping down.:::
