America's Civil War was a time of turmoil
in our nation, from 1861-1865. During this period, families, friends,
and loved ones were separated or parted, and thousands suffered and
died. But despite people's hardships and adversities, many persevered.
Through their trials they accomplished great and extraordinary deeds
that they might never have realized had they not been put to the test.
Sadly, for some, their lives would end before they could completely
fulfill their dreams.
The lives of a few of the noble and brave are presented here, along
with sources that may be of interest for more in-depth study. Tributes
to the common soldier, valiant unsung heroes, and veterans are also
included—that they will not be forgotten. It is my hope that the spirit
of the countless heroic souls who fought or contributed significantly
in America's Civil War will live on throughout the ages.
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Web Site Contents:
Acknowledgments | Biographies | Common Soldier | Journal | Links | List | Look | Valor | Veterans
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