Translations of Katherine Neville's Books

NOTE: Katherine Neville told me, in a letter, that she would give me a complete list of translations as soon as she found out what languages The Magic Circle would be translated into. For now, here is a list of all the translations I know about. I would really appreciate it if someone would help me with the titles I don't know. Also, if you know of any other translations that are not on this list, please let me know. I used the OCLC database as the source for most of these.

Translations of The Eight

Catalan: El Vuit
Title means: The Eight. I would like to thank Cristina Taberner for this title.

Czech: Velka osma
Title means: ???

Dutch: De Acht
Title means: The Eight.

Finnish: Musta Kuningatar
Title means: Black Queen. I'd like to thank Kai Saarto ( for telling me about the Finnish translation.

French: Le Huit
Title means: The Eight

German: Das Montglane-Spiel
Title means: The Montglane Game

Italian: Il Segreto del Millennio
Title means: The Millennium's Secret

Japanese: 8 (eito)
Title means: Eight (?)

Korean: Eitu
Title means: Eight (?) According to Sandra Yi (, the word for "eight" in Korean is "pael" or "yul-duhl". She doesn't know what "Eitu" means. This is one I got from the OCLC database.

Romanian: Opt
Title means: Eight. Thank you to Viorel Chiricioiu ( for telling me about this one. It was published in Sept. 2007.

Serbo-Croatian: Osmica
Title means: The Eight. I would like to thank Zoltan Csala for this one. It was translated by Mirjana Zivkovic and published by Polaris, in 1989.

Spanish: El Ocho
Title means: The Eight

Swedish: De Attas Hemlighet (The A should have a ring above it, but I don't know how to do that.) :-)
Title means: The Secret of the Eight. I would like to thank Klas Olof T�rnqwist for this one. It was done by his father in 1989.

Translations of A Calculated Risk

Czech: Pocitac, ktery vykradl banku
Title means: ???

German: Das Risiko
Title means: The Risk

Russian: Avantiuristy
Title means: ???

Spanish: Riesgo calculado
Title means: Calculated Risk

Translations of The Magic Circle

Dutch: De Magische Cirkel
Title means: The Magic Circle

French: Le Cercle Magique
Title means: The Magic Circle

German: Der magische Zirkel
Title means: The Magic Circle

Spanish: El circulo mágico
Title means: The Magic Circle

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